Democrats Set to Suffer In November for Acting Unilaterally

The Democratic Party has been whistling past the graveyard, celebrating their success at nationalizing healthcare in spite of their increasingly dismal political future. Their ill-gotten gain comes at...
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Obama’s True Colors Show at Blair House Conference

Last Friday, after a seven-hour long healthcare discussion between President Obama and congressional Republicans, nothing changed. The Democrats' healthcare plan still consists of nationalizing one si...
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Master Political Operatives Necessary for Both Parties

Those who criticize Karl Rove usually do so either out of ignorance or partisan hypocrisy. As students prepare to hear "the architect" speak at UCSB, they should remember that Rove, like any strategis...
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Protestors Represent Widespread American Discontent

To date, the revolutionaries have won. Government tax-and-spend stimulus bills are now politically toxic, and the push for a national healthcare bill has been soundly defeated.
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Government Should Leave Job Creation to Private Sector

In lieu of their embarrassing defeat by Scott Brown in Massachusetts, Democrats have begun a slow retreat from their radical liberal agenda.
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Buyer Beware: Obama’s Fiscal Plans Sell Public Big Lies

In analyzing propaganda techniques, the Office of Strategic Services once remarked, "People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner o...
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Loss of Senate Seat Signals End of Healthcare Reform

Last week's election of Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown as a senator is a proverbial "canary in a coal mine" for the Democratic Party.
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Global Warming Naysayers Find Support From Science

In most areas of science, it is considered noble to be a skeptic of a given theory, unless that theory is man-made climate change. According to Al Gore, "The debate [about climate change] in the scien...
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Obama’s Willfully Ignores Terrorist Threats

If Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had only properly detonated his concealed stash of Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, or PETN, our country may have suffered an attack of proportions not seen since 9/11.
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Dithering on War Decision Signals Obama’s Weakness

It is not possible to passively win a war. Winning requires an objective, a strategy to accomplish that objective and a determined execution of that strategy. President Obama has no clearly defined ob...
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Mass Infanticide Cannot Be Government Subsidized

The Declaration of Independence, the foundational document of the freest nation this world has ever known, boldly states, "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that...
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Palestinians Reject Middle East Talks With Terrorism

Following the success of Israel's incursion into Gaza and the elimination of Hamas terrorists responsible for firing thousands of rockets on Israeli soil, the media has been relatively quiet over the ...
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Legalization Puts Personal Liberty Over State Control

There is no doubt that the War on Drugs has been an incredibly expensive failure, yet neither Democrat nor Republican leaders, from liberal ideologies to freedom loving conservatives, have allowed tha...
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Yudof Not to Blame for Legislature’s Failure

I truly sympathize with you. After the state cut $813 million from the University of California budget, hordes of disgruntled faculty and students began screaming over furloughs, program cuts and tuit...
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Military Culture Overrules Rights of Individual Soldiers

There is no freedom in the military, and for good reason. In order to defend our nation and protect American interests, the U.S. military must be the best trained and most tightly disciplined fighting...
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