Overcoming the Dark Side of Heavy Intoxication

Man’s best friend isn’t the dog. It’s alcohol. Booze is the steady companion that we can always rely on to be there when we need it
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You Can Look, But He’d Prefer If You Don’t Touch

Excuse me, ladies, but I’m going to have to ask you not to slap my ass. I’d also appreciate it if you refrained from the two-handed squeeze, the casual brush or the baseball double-tap.
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Isla Vista: Party Capital of the World

There is something special about those first few weeks of school, when 20,000 of our nation’s finest get compressed into this magical square mile we call home.
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Work Regulations Violate Day Drinking Rights

According to The Seattle Times, new draconian regulations in a Danish brewery forbid workers from consuming free beer during the day, except during lunchtime breaks.
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Let Your Beers Do the Talking

This tale, like many bro-nominal tales involving alcohol, starts with a cigarette.
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Santa Barbara Lifestyle Trumps Any Narcotic

Where do you draw the line between ordinary la joie de vivire lunacy and pure unadulterated goat-fucking stupidity? Probably somewhere around life-threatening substance abuse.
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Beer Pong Masters Follow Eleven Commandments

Madness is a terrible thing to waste.
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Quality Beer Makes For Quality Parties

I love Isla Vista. I love living in the town with the highest per capita density of outrageously beautiful women in the world. I love our laid back, ganja-ripping, bro high-fiving, beach bo...
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