The Death of a Novel

Movie studios have the habit of trying to make good things better. They try to redo good stories and interesting characters for a population with an ever-shrinking attention span.
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Learning About Good Looks, Health Around Pretty People

There were girls so thin they looked like they'd snap in half if you sneezed on them and guys with chests and arms so thick from gym worship that I wondered if they could wipe their own asses.
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Masters of Horror Unite

It’s so rare to find a good horror novel these days. Most of the pulp junk on the shelves isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Every time a new King or Straub book hits the shelves...
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Make No Gnomes About This Neo-Conservative Dude

I first saw the signs advertising David Horowitz as "the man the Daily Nexus was afraid of."
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Unanswered Questions Should Euthanize the Death Penalty

America's latest incarnation of evil, Timothy McVeigh, has had his execution stayed after yet another screw up by the FBI, following in the trail of Ruby Ridge and Waco.
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A.S. President-Elect Indulges in Costly Pipe Dreams

Imagine waking up on a Saturday morning to the sound of a brass band butchering "Rock You Like a Hurricane," accompanied by the mind-numbing chant of cheerleaders shaking shredded plastic.
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Column: Find Time for Understanding During Queer Pride Week

The phone rings at 3:30 in the morning and for a minute I think it's my alarm clock. My friend Chris from back home is on the other line, and he's in tears.
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Feminists Against Abortion?

Here's a new one for your list of oxymorons: Pro-life feminist. The terms may seem mutually exclusive; however, Serrin Foster, president of Feminists for Life of America, tried with limited success to...
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Screenwriters Prove Pen is Mightier Than Hollywood

Pop quiz, hot shot, what do the following have in common: Barney's Existential Journey, Bill and Ted's Hella Cool Trip to the Library, and as much Reality TV as you can stand?
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The Truth About Private Violence

She's lying on the floor, broken. Her left wrist is fractured in three places and a bead of blood is beginning to trickle down from one nostril to her upper lip.
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A Guide to Smoking Etiquette

Everybody has an opinion on smoking; some of you find it disgusting while others enjoy it. Some of those who can't stand it abandon politeness for loud and obnoxious remarks.
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History Reveals Society’s Adoration of the Common Idiot

Ahh, April Fools' Day - an international holiday to celebrate the existence of the common idiot. To think that this glorious day of days owes itself to a rubber duck, a keg of beer and 33 half-eaten r...
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Column: Bidding Fond Farewell to a Recently Departed Friend

Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to mourn the passing of our dear friend Napster, who was taken from us by the ruthless bastards who refuse to understand the true value of art.
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When TV Goes Bad: Reality Shows Push Outer Limits

As his last wish, Timothy McVeigh asked for his execution to be televised nationwide. The request was rejected, but you know there was some suit (read: Fox's Rupert Murdoch) in Hollywood drooling over...
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Vouchers Ease Education

The current public school situation, especially here in California, is a high explosive waiting to go off. I'd like to say the solution to disarming this sucker is school vouchers, but nothing is that...
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