Surprise! Sex Can Be Both Safe and Great

Time and again I am amazed at the drivel published in the Nexus. Mr. Begakis, your latest article was a disgusting display of evangelistic moralizing, condescension, logical fallacy and wanton ignoran...
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Religion Not to Blame for Passing of Prop 8

I generally make it a point not to think about the religious beliefs of others. Granted, I do enjoy a frank philosophical discussion every now and then, so long as all parties maintain a respectful to...
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Health Care Is An Issue of Ethics, Not of Profits

In response to Mr. Bannigan's assertion that Sen. John McCain's competition-based health care plan will benefit our country ("Best of Health Care Result of Healthy Competition" Daily Nexus, Oct. 6): A...
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Media Ignores Bush Torture Confession

If you've looked at any major news source over the weekend, I'm sure you're aware of the recent brouhaha surrounding Barack Obama's remarks regarding bitterness, guns and religion. Now, everyone is sh...
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Materialism Is Not Atheistic, Evolution Not Simply Chance

In rebuttal to Art Battson ("Science and Atheism Duke It Out," Daily Nexus, Feb. 26), there is a reason for systematic materialism in science - the only things we can study are phenomena in the materi...
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