United States, Israel Must Now Watch Where They Step

The Balkan powder keg of today's world, the Middle East, has seemingly inched closer to boom time recently. Iraq shows no signs of quieting down, Iran has become quite the fashionably rogue state unde...
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Israel’s Not Going Anywhere

It is time for the Palestinian people to finally accept the permanence of an Israeli state. Ever since the British left the area on May 14, 1948, the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors have done ev...
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Don’t Waste Money on Weed, Make Money With It

Last weekend I was watching Sunday night prime time FOX. "The Simpsons", "Malcolm in the Middle" - all that good stuff. Unfortunately I saw a commercial that made think. All I wanted to do was veg out...
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Hey Thieves: Embrace the Karma Payment Plan

My computer was stolen. My snazzy Gateway portal to the world was taken from my bedroom during a little shindig - on my birthday, no less - that my roommates and I had.
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Hard Liquor Content Doesn’t Rate Equally with Wine or Beer

Maura O'Brien thinks she knows everything there is to know about alcohol, drugs, and partying, right? Wrong. In O'Brien's effort to clear up misconceptions, she unfortunately perpetuated a myth that I...
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