Avoid Evictions by Incorporating I.V.

The eviction crisis at Cedarwood marks a low point in Isla Vista's history. Now more than ever, it is important for Isla Vistans to remember that such mistreatment could have been avoided if I.V. had ...
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The New Pornographers | Twin Cinema | Matador

It's easy to understand why I didn't like the New Pornographers at first. The group is billed as the power pop supergroup of Canadian rocker Carl "A.C." Newman, a man with a pedigree that could make R...
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Kanye West | Late Registration | Roc-A-Fella

Kanye West: hip hop's class act, a man who boldly proclaimed on national television that, "George Bush doesn't like black people." For years, West has paid his dues behind the scenes, producing for th...
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Assasination of Character

As "The Assassination of Richard Nixon" opens, we see would-be assassin Sam Bicke (Sean Penn) dictating a letter to composer Leonard Bernstein. By the end of the film we realize that we are effectivel...
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A Poignant Portrayal of an Iconic Personality

"Ray" masterfully recreates the life, struggles and successes of Ray Charles. It follows the perseverance of Charles, a blind pianist, in his youth, his shrewd business skills and Charles' ultimate de...
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Taxi | Action Takes the Wheel

"Taxi" is a difficult film to categorize. It could be labeled as a buddy picture, a crime drama, an action flick, or a "stupid cop" comedy. But no matter what it gets called, "Taxi" offers a surprisin...
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Under the Sea

As I sat watching the opening of "Shark Tale," I couldn't help but be reminded of "Finding Nemo"- more specifically, the scene in which Nemo, is christened "shark bait" by his elder fish friends.
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“Bush” Goes Hollywood

John Sayles' latest film "Silver City" promises to be both a detective thriller and a Bush-era satire of public office, and achieves moderate success in both areas.
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