Brooding Bromeo Consoles Heartbroken Student Body

Touching your hand to a stove, tripping on the same step heading into Davidson, choking on your own spit: There are many behaviors we engage in as humans that compel us to hurt ourselves.
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Job Jester Conquers Corporate Etiquette

Make eye contact. Slap on that grin and prolong your attention span even if you lack the capacity.
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Slammed Semicolon Needs Some Sweet, Sweet Lovin’

In light of recent threats posed towards you, my dearest semicolon, I am compelled to raise a backhand just like the curved fist that adorns your brow.
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Avoid an Arrest on All Hallows Eve

Picture this: Dorothy slowly rocks to and fro as her crocodile tears splatter upon beer-licked pavement.
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Don of Disguise Stitches New Ideas

Isla Vista, something wicked this way comes. As if this ash-clad omen wasn't indicative enough, our favorite holiday of drunken debauchery and masked delight swiftly approaches.
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The Midterm Master Reveals Secrets of Mad Testing Skills

Hello Gauchos, this is your conscience speaking. You know that odd sensation you feel churning in your gut right now? T
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Science Stud Defines Dogma of Bio Majors

Do you ever find yourself studying on a Friday night, or taking notes whilst your buddies take keg stands? Or, perhaps, question if life is really worth living on a daily basis? If so, you are probabl...
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Avoid Theft Through Handy Chick Allegory

It's no mystery that Isla Vista is a bike clepto's wet dream, so in light of this fact I wanted to share some sage advice on how to best conceal your choice mode of transportation from thieves. Since ...
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