The Residential Housing Association hosted its annual All Hall Brawl at Robertson Gym on Jan. 25 for students from campus residence halls to compete in games such as basketball, musical chairs, tug of war, dodgeball, puzzle drawing, “guess a song” and trivia. Anacapa Residence Hall defended their title from last year. 

Mascots from each residence hall participating in a dance-off. Lucy Wellons / Daily Nexus

Residential Housing Association (RHA) Programming Vice President and second-year Aakiyiah Stuart, Santa Rosa Residence Hall Representative-at-Large Madeline Bryce, Santa Rosa President and first-year biochemistry major Campbell Cleveland and Anacapa Representative-at-Large Alyssa Story organized the event along with the residence hall council members. The event was funded through the $35 annual RHA fee paid for by residents, according to Stuart. The Nexus was not able to identify the years and majors of Madeline Bryce and Alyssa Story. 

“All Hall Brawl is basically where all resident halls can come together and compete in friendly competitions to show off their spirit and show off their skills, and show who’s the best,” Stuart said.

Around 200 residents from each hall gathered decked out in their respective residence hall colors and battled for the right to call themselves the best dorm. This year, Anacapa took home the trophy and a $500 food party of their choice — an increase from last year’s reward of $300. The runners-up were Santa Cruz Residence Hall in second place and San Miguel Residence Hall in third. 

The event historically takes place each fall, but was moved to winter quarter this year to allow hall councils to gain more familiarity with each other, according to Stuart. 

Pratima Nallapareddy, a first-year computer science major representing Manzanita Village Residence Hall, attended the All Hall Brawl to support her friends on Hall Council.

“I really liked the cheering and how we all bonded. That was really fun,” Nallapareddy said.

The RHA threw free merch into the crowd during breaks between the festivities. Pizza and other snacks were provided after the competition concluded. 

Stuart expressed hope that the event would attract more attention to RHA events, putting them “on the map” and urged students to get involved. 

A version of this article appeared on p.4 of the Jan. 30, 2025 edition of the Daily Nexus.
