Juliet Becker / The Daily Nexus

This past week, America has been divided as ever. The UC Santa Barbara community is a perfect snapshot of our country as a whole. Few worked to mobilize, some voted and most can’t really be bothered to give a shit.

In a time of high emotions, political upset and intense reposting of Tweets on Instagram stories, I may hold a controversial opinion: Donald Trump is truly the best choice for America. Seventy-five million Americans voted for peace, a bright future and, most importantly, freedom.

Unlike the evasive Democrats, Trump’s platform was clear throughout his immaculately-strategized campaign. His stances on reproductive rights, social justice and economic reform have been unwavering and exemplary of leadership. Harris was confused — was she Black or Indian? Pro or anti post-birth abortions? Completely moderate or Marxist-Anarchist? 

In terms of the economy, the Democrats completely lost the working class. There is nothing the working class hates more than a tax plan like Harris’s, that aimed to put money in their pockets. Trump is a working class warrior who has always had poor Americans’ best interests at heart.

Additionally, Trump’s celebrity endorsements demonstrate his concern for the county. Hardworking public servants, such as Elon Musk, have always loved Trump for obvious reasons: he wants the best for us. Hollywood baby-eating elites, such as — well, everyone, could never understand the true needs of the country like Kid Rock. 

Harris’s cabinet would have been packed with out of touch D.C. know-it-alls just like her. Ph.D.s, J.D.s–ELITES! I can sleep soundly knowing that actually smart individuals, such as Robert Kennedy Jr., will be advising Trump on America’s most pressing matters. 

I will address the elephant in the room.

“Trump is liable for sexual assault! Trump is racist! Trump hates women!” I have seen countless posts from uneducated social media contributors that spew such messages. Of course, all of them seemingly only began to care about the election after it happened.

My response: this is not news. In 2016, America showed us that rape, blatant racism and disrespect were not enough to stop Trump from becoming president. Why is everybody so surprised? Trump said it best himself: “I Respect Women, I Love Women, I Cherish Women.”

Trust and believe in Trump in the way that many of you still trust and believe in this country. Know that you elected a man so good, so God-like, so virtuous. Think of your future children and know that you voted to give them a brighter future with more money, more freedom and more justification for hate.


Joseph R. Biden wants to grab you by the pussy.
