Coucou (Hey)!
Writing to you from Corsica today and I have to say I just totally love the beach and the summer and the sun (bring in the obnoxious American accent my French family teases me about).
Although that statement is true, it’s met with guilt, worry and gratefulness all in one.
Every summer I go to Corsica, a French island in the Mediterranean Sea where my entire family is from. Only during COVID did I not make the 15-hour journey back home. It was weird. But even now I can’t help but wonder if coming to Corsica will hurt future me.
Let me start by saying this island is beautiful. The people are so sweet, I feel like I know everybody in my village, L’Île-Rousse. The water is a perfect turquoise, and the sun shines so brightly that I have the urge to put my sunglasses on even indoors. I am so grateful to be able to come visit my family and attend school at UC Santa Barbara.
I got an online job to help ease the thought that I am not furthering my career and will end up with no job EVER after college. Half kidding there. But to be quite frank, seeing a new post along the lines of “So excited to be interning at this major law firm” has me questioning some life choices. The village here doesn’t have those kinds of opportunities. Aside from working atr my family hotel as a maid and receptionist, I have never found another work option here, nor one that will look good on my resume.
But tonight I did some research for future clubs to join and possible new jobs for when I’m back on campus. I have also decided that I will have to intern somewhere next summer and sacrifice seeing my family. It means a lot to my family that I come to visit, but with the excessive amount of times I WhatsApp video called my grandma last quarter, I’m sure she won’t miss me too much. I am just happy to be with family now; growing up is scary.
Anyway, I just felt like getting that off my chest. Hopefully, you don’t relate to the feeling of not knowing how to prepare for your career, or what that career will be. But if you do, know you are not alone. Sending much love from my couch, reach me at any hour (I never got adjusted to the time zone here… it’s been two months).
Bisous (Kisses),
Nina Rossi
(P.S. So sorry to be French during the time of the Olympics and the controversy surrounding the Seine)