Faith Talamantez / The Daily Nexus
The five music students at UC Santa Barbara and a couple other socially anxious students are devastated after the Music Library officially shut their doors this past Friday. However, pretty much every other student on campus didn’t learn about the Music Library’s existence until it closed.
“It kind of reminds me of Michael Jackson. I got really into him as a kid because I heard he died on the radio,” third-year Rebecca Sanchez said. “I’m sad I missed out on the Music Library, I’m sure I would’ve loved it!”
Many students were surprised to hear that there was a secret study spot hiding right under their noses, especially when they were battling for tables at the main library. Unfortunately, now that it’s closed, there will be an additional 25(ish) students studying at the UCSB Library, assuming they aren’t too scared of its multiple rooms and floors. For the skittish campus-goers, studying in such a tiny, quiet library, it can be scary to see people vaping and yapping nonstop on the second floor of the UCSB Library.
“Yeah, I’m never going to Main,” fourth-year Hope Nguyen said. “Oh, sorry. We’ve always just called the UCSB Library ‘Main’ at the Music Lib.”
For students like Nguyen, the adjustment will be hard, but not impossible. There are plenty of smaller study spots around campus for those who can’t be bothered with the more mainstream spots. Outside of the library, there are always spaces available to study at ___________, [REDACTED], ‘…. … … -… / ..-. — ..- .-. – …. / ..-. .-.. — — .-.’, and of course, the rooms under the lagoon.
For the 15 Gauchos that studied at the Music Library, good luck finding a new space to study that will give off the same lowkey chiller indie alt skater niche private vibes. To everyone else, whatever, I guess.
Faith Talamantez, devoted employee of the Music Library, is inconsolable.
It’s always a bit of a shock when something like the Music Library and suddenly everyone realizes they missed out. I had no idea there was even a Music Library at UCSB. As a student, I would love it for sure, I also love to delegate my tasks to professionals, so this review https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7215309899088474113 helped a lot with the choice. It might be worth checking out to help adjust to the changes on campus.