The Associated Students Program Board partnered with the nonprofit Love On A Leash to bring therapy dogs and pumpkin painting to Storke Plaza from 1-3 p.m. on Oct. 21.

Students pet Nala, a yellow lab and therapy dog. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

The Pumpkins & Puppies event was put on by the Associated Students (A.S.) Program Board to “Get into the spooky season spirit and destress from midterms,” according to their Instagram post advertising the event. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

Nala (left) poses with her therapy-dog counterpart Toby. The two have nearly a decade of experience between them being therapy dogs. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

Nala approaches the dozens of students who waited to see her and her counterparts. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

Students gather around to pet Maddie, one of the therapy dogs. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

Lori Beckwith (left), a certified therapy dog handler for Love On A Leash, accompanied by her 94-year-old mother Betty, escorts Toby the therapy dog to the event. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

Toby stands amid the crowd of students. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

Students stand around Maddie, one of the therapy dogs at the event. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

Sam, the 6-year-old pug, enjoys pets from several students. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)

Students were also given the opportunity to decorate pumpkins provided by the A.S. Program Board. (Mark Alfred / Daily Nexus)