Update [10/8/19 2:49 p.m.] UC Santa Barbara issued an update less than 20 minutes after the Tuesday afternoon notification, announcing that the most recent mountain lion sighting reported was in fact a bobcat, one who “has lived in the area for many years without issue.”
They also said that previous sightings of mountain lions were confirmed to be mountain lions.
Update [10/8/19 2:28 p.m.] UC Santa Barbara sent out an emergency notification Tuesday afternoon about a fifth mountain lion sighting, this time “west of the Orfalea Childcare Center,” which is on West Campus.
Police are in the area and California Fish and Wildlife have been notified, according to the alert. Students are cautioned to stay away from the area until further notice.
The fourth mountain lion sighting was reported on Monday night “below the cliffs at Campus Point,” according to an emergency notification issued by UC Santa Barbara.
There were previously three other sightings of a mountain lion reported on Sept. 17, 18 and 19; the first sighting was near Campus Point “near the lagoon and service road turnaround,” the second was the next day by Devereux Lagoon, and the third was on the morning of Sept. 19, near the West Campus Child Care Center.