Compared to data from 2017, the total frequency of crimes committed in 2018 has decreased by over 10%, according to the most recent statistics from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.
Data courtesy of SBSO. Hayley Tice / Daily Nexus
The Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office (SBSO) released its 2018 crime statistics in late March, revealing that Part I crimes are at their lowest numbers in 10 years. Part I crimes include homicide, rape and property damage.
This year’s Part I crime rate per capita is 0.010, a sharp decline from the 0.017 per capita crime rate reported in 2017, according to the crime statistics.
All Part I crime rates have also decreased this past year, with the exception of homicide rate and motor vehicle theft. The data reports the same homicide rate as last year, while the latter has increased by 10%.
In the past two years, however, the overall crime rate has been at a steady decline, with the number of property crimes and violent crimes at their lowest in nearly 10 years, according to a press release sent out by SBSO.
One notable decrease is the rate of rape incidents from last year. The data recorded 27 reported rapes in 2018, a vast decrease relative to the 44 reported rapes in 2017. This accounts for a 38% overall decrease over the last year.
The report further notes that there has been an increase in Part II — or non-violent — crimes. Although Part II crimes have decreased by approximately 9% this year, stolen property and drug possession offenses have increased by 69% and 25%, respectively.
Crimes committed by minors have also increased since last year.
“The work of our traditional criminal justice partners is greatly bolstered by the cooperative efforts of other county departments, as well as the many community-based organizations that work with us to enhance the safety and well-being of our community members,” Santa Barbara Sheriff Bill Brown said in the press release.