On Friday, more than 60 people gathered in the Arbor at UC Santa Barbara as part of a worldwide protest known as the Youth Climate Strike.
The 11 a.m. strike, protesting the October announcement that the world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, lasted just over 30 minutes. During the event, the group also called for California Senator Dianne Feinstein and the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors to wholeheartedly endorse the Green New Deal.
One of the leaders of UCSB’s strike was Rose Strauss, a third-year UCSB student who went viral last year after a politician called her “young and naïve” for asking about his campaign contributions from fossil fuel executives.
“With eleven years left to stop climate change, our leaders, who claim to represent us, have still not endorsed the Green New Deal: the only solution we have to climate change that addresses the scale and scope of the crisis in the way that science and justice demand,” said a statement posted to the event’s Facebook page.
“Failing to take action on this crisis is a death sentence for our generation. When we strike, we will send a clear message to people in power that if they can’t do their jobs and protect the people of this country, we won’t do our jobs or go to school.”
Check out some of the photos Nexus photographers captured below:
Hmmm… I wonder if protesting at the Gaviota refinery, or, at a car dealership might have had more impact. Kinda preaching to the choir here.
Very nice of them to also honor our first Afro-american president, who was elected 11 year ago! Go get em goyim!
All of these proposed measures are meaningless unless we decrease our population. Yet,the government ( US, and California in particular give) give free stuff to people who continue to have large families. I am awaiting the calls of racist as I point out that the group having the largest birth rate in SB county, according to health dept statistics in Hispanic.