Editor’s Note: This article is written in collaboration with Impact Journalism Day. Contributions from the Nexus and other participating universities can be found here.
For many university students and young people around the world, the 2016-17 academic year has not been very hopeful. There is a sense that world leaders are shying away from addressing global problems such as climate change and forced migration, yet, as the generation with the greatest level of higher education, we are acutely aware of how seriously these problems threaten our future.
For this reason, we have realized the need to take action.
On April 10, as part of Impact Journalism Day Universities (IJD-U), student newspapers from 20 renowned universities, united by Sparknews, are collectively sharing stories about 30 student initiatives that aim to address serious social and environmental problems.
By writing about these innovative projects, the 20 participating student newspapers, show the collective force that the media has to catalyze change. From teaching each other how to use computer science for social good to creating platforms that crowdfund for university fees to providing peer support for mental health to sharing education with refugees, these stories show that students are actively challenging the notion that nothing can be done.
Additionally, by each newspaper sharing their articles with each other, student journalists are given broad visibility and the individual actions of young people will be seen around the world, offering these initiatives the chance to grow and be replicated. One fortunate student will also be invited to attend the One Young World conference in Bogotá to meet with other pioneering young leaders.
IJD-U is inspired by Impact Journalism Day and Solutions&Co, two events created by Sparknews which bring together more than 80 of the world’s leading newspapers including The Financial Times (UK), USA Today, The China Daily, Die Welt (Germany), Le Figaro (France), El País (Spain), and Asahi Shimbun (Japan), and many others, to bring awareness to social innovation.
To read their stories visit impactjournalismday-universities.com/read-our-stories
IJD-U will also be celebrated on April 24 in New York as part of a Sparknews sustainability event hosted by BNP Paribas, IJD-U’s sponsor.
Louis Slade, Manager, Impact Journalism Day Universities
Christian de Boisredon, Founder, Sparknews
For more information, contact ijd-uni@sparknews.com