As the news of Fidel Castro’s death became known last Friday, hundreds of Cuban-Americans took to the streets of Little Havana to celebrate. Throughout the night, the home of the largest Cuban exile community in Florida was flooded with jubilant crowds chanting, singing and waving both Cuban and American flags to celebrate this historic event. Upbeat music, blaring car horns, reverberating pots and pans and joyous cries of “¡Cuba libre!” resounded throughout the neighborhoods of Miami.
These demonstrators were people whose parents and grandparents fled Cuba in desperation, risking their lives in the hope and pursuit of a better one. They did whatever it took to escape the communist regime which had usurped their government.
Yet sadly enough, these sentiments were not reciprocated in the headlines of mainstream media outlets, the statements of democratically elected Western politicians and the social media posts of American college students. In fact, if one were to learn about Castro and his oppressive regime exclusively through these sources, one could be forgiven for coming away under the false impression that Fidel Castro was a paragon of moral virtue akin to Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr.
Prime Minister of Canada and dreamy-eyed liberal icon Justin Trudeau released a statement proclaiming the “deep sorrow” he felt upon learning of Castro’s passing. He referred to the brutal dictator as a “legendary revolutionary and orator” and a “remarkable leader” whose “tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people” resulted in “a deep and lasting affection for ‘el Comandante.’”
U.K. opposition party leader Jeremy Corbyn admitted that Castro had “flaws” but ultimately praised him as a “champion of social justice.”
Most ironic of all were the social media reactions of prominent leftist activists on our own campus, many of whom posted trite, drawn-out eulogies on Facebook and Twitter in reverence of the dictator.
These same “revolutionaries” who routinely demonize the College Republicans for our supposedly “anti-black” Ben Shapiro event mourned the death of a tyrant whose fellow revolutionary Che Guevara infamously stated that “the Negro is indolent and lazy.”
These same outraged students who marched throughout I.V. in the middle of the night to protest the election of the “fascist” Donald Trump — crying out that he was somehow “not [their] president” because of his supposedly authoritarian viewpoints — praised a man who murdered and imprisoned political dissenters.
These same “liberals” who were outraged that America had the audacity to elect such a “homophobic” vice-presidential candidate as Mike Pence are celebrating a dictator who herded homosexuals into labor camps.
It brings me no surprise that radical leftists are exhibiting this sort of hypocrisy. They do it for the same reason that they are “anti-fa” (anti-fascist), but not anti-communist, despite communist regimes under Mao, Stalin and the Khmer Rouge killing far more people than fascism ever did.
They do it for the same reason that they constantly profess to be appalled by the extremely small minority of Christians who are members of the Ku Klux Klan, by the abortion clinic bombing that happened in 1984 and by the Crusades of centuries ago, while taking offense anytime someone brings up the alarming number of Muslims today who believe in death for apostates, adulterers and homosexuals.
They do it for the same reason that they criticize Israel for its human rights violations yet disregard the authoritarian Islamic theocrats who head the Palestinian resistance through Hamas and Hezbollah.
They do it for the same reason that they are disgusted by the off-color comments Trump made 10 years ago about women while (even if begrudgingly) supporting a candidate whose foundation took money from a Saudi regime which punishes adulterers by stoning and forces women to wear the hijab.
The reason for all this is that radical leftists do not care for consistency. Their sole purpose is to attack and demonize anything and everything that is a fruit or cornerstone of Western civilization — capitalism, Christianity and so on.
As Sam Harris, a secular liberal renowned for his books on atheism, religion and psychology, once put it: “Liberals have really failed on the topic of theocracy. They’ll criticize white theocracy, they’ll criticize Christians … but when you wanna talk about the treatment of women and homosexuals and free-thinkers and public intellectuals in the Muslim world, I would argue that liberals have failed us.”
Harris was right, but this hypocrisy does not merely exist when it comes to the topic of Islamic theocracy; it is evident in other realms of discourse as well, such as when leftist professors paint the narrative that the indigenous tribes of Northern and Central America were peaceful, civil and advanced peoples with humane ethical practices, in contrast to the barbaric colonization, conquest and crimes committed by the Spanish.
In fact, the Native Americans, although less technologically advanced, were every bit as warlike as the Europeans or any other people, and if they had been the ones to colonize Europe, they undoubtedly would have treated the Europeans every bit as brutally as the Europeans treated them, if not more so.
History will not be kind to Castro. Thousands of Cubans — those who starved or suffered ailments under his failed economic policies, those who died as political prisoners or execution victims and those who drowned or died of fatigue trying to escape his reign — are not with us today because of his unconscionable regime. Still thousands more now live in the United States, separated from their home and their families because they were forced to flee oppression.
Nor will history be kind to those leftists who seek to smear conservatives with accusations of bigotry, racism, sexism and homophobia while at the same time celebrating some of the most bigoted, racist, sexist, and homophobic figures in history, the most recent being Fidel Castro: brutal dictator and corrupt oppressor of Cuba.
Allow me to join with Castro’s innumerable victims in saying: May he rot in Hell.
Leftists hate “oppression” in America, but luv real oppression in Cuba. Perhaps it’s just that they hate America.
u mean the gop ..
“Leftists hate “oppression” in America, but luv real oppression in Cuba. Perhaps it’s just that they hate America.”
That make NO sense. Please check with moderators — there may be age requirements for posting (e.g., posters should be out of grade school). I’m Not sure — but check. Could help avoid embarrassing situations in the future.
Ever notice that Leftists made thousands of movies and books about Hitler, but virtually none about any of their Marxist monster pals like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc?
I’ve yet to meet a “leftist” in the U$A who likes Stalin or even Mao. We do recognize that Cuba was better off under Castro than under Batista… but of course rightwing deathsquads torturing, killing and terrorizing don’t bother conservatives. But a minimum wage increase! OMG to them THAT is terrorism, lol.
Nobody loves oppression in cuba dum dum… Get ur head out of your ass.
Do you think empty snarky comments like this positively contribute to the national discourse?
Conservatives… I’m waiting for you to complain about all the oppression committed by rightwing governments, mostly supported by the U$A… still waiting.
The silence of this hypocrisy is deafening.
Read an interesting study a week ago. It says roughly 39 percent of millennials would support the idea of the Army running the U.S. They feel the civilian leadership of both parties only have their self-interests in mind and not the welfare of our country. Perhaps it is time to abolish civilian leadership. Perhaps that’s why Trump is surrounding himself with generals.
“Nor will history be kind to those leftists who seek to smear conservatives with accusations of bigotry, racism, sexism and homophobia while at the same time celebrating some of the most bigoted, racist, sexist, and homophobic figures in history, the most recent being Fidel Castro: brutal dictator and corrupt oppressor of Cuba.”
Lol. Conservatives have supported many of the greatest scum suckers over the past 70 years, including Adolf Hitler and the dictator Castro deposed. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t hurl stones.
American conservatives never supported Adolf Hitler. Millions of them went to war to stop him. Stop peddling lies.
Conservative American businessmen like Henry Ford had no trouble doing business with Hitler before and during WW2. American companies benefited from concentration camp slave labor during the war. I suggest reading Charles Higham’s book Trading With The Enemy for the full story. American corporates played both sides against the middle in their pursuit of profits. It was the commoners who went to war. Have a nice day dude.
U$A conservatives DID support Pinochet, Duarte, Somoza, d’Aubuisson, Ríos Montt and other mass-murdering Latin American dictators. Not to mention Franco, Marcos, Papadapoulous…
Yes, U$A conservatives have a lot of blood on their hands. We liberals… not so much. We oppose oppression coming from any ideological corner. Conservatives support any oppression they think will make them money.
The left in America had no problem with Hitler until he broke his pact with their darling Stalin.
The last two Republican presidents’ family got incredibly rich off of investing in the Third Reich.
And US conservatives were creaming their pants when Pinochet was executing and torturing left wing intellectuals and throwing people out of helicopters
Pincohet killed far fewer people than most communists, and despite his inexcusable human rights violations, he did succeed in creating a stable economic system that made Chile the most prosperous country in Latin America to this day – something no communist leader has ever been able to achieve.
Well, that’s certainly a ringing endorsement. FYI: The lesser of N evils still is evil.
I’m just asking people to view Pinochet’s legacy with the same “nuance” that they insist we use to view Castro’s.
Odd. it seems like both of your comments are clear assertion, not requests for X (e.g., considered nuance — or anything else).
Is your “explanation” post-comment self-serving spin? (rhetorical — no answer expected or desired).
Yes, and Pinochet is far worse. Castro’s original executions which horrified the U$A were of Batista’s deathsquad criminals. No tears for them, sorry. Pinochet murdered 30,000 in his first 2 weeks in power. Pinochet was not in a war, there was no crisis, he just rounded up leftists/liberals and killed them. Of course U$A conservatives don’t mind that, since they’d like to do the same to us here. That’s why this progressive is well-armed and a very good shot. You don’t fool me for a minute, conservatives. You’ve never stood against rightwing terrorism and I don’t expect that from you… Read more »
This is really no surprise. Liberals are slipping further to the deep left by the day with their increasingly alarming rhetoric which has gotten even worse since the thrashing they suffered on November 8th. Trudeau is an embarrassment and of course those on the left would have begged for him to be President if he were American.
Ahem… Hilary won the popular vote by several million. No “thrashing ” there. Trump knows it too which is why he’s back pedaling on much of his campaign rhetoric. Conservatives are delusional people who got gamed by a con man named Trump. It’s going to be an interesting four years for everyone including the alt right folks like Mr. Gates.
The Dems were widely predicted to win the White House and they failed to do so in embarrassing fashion. Popular vote or not, Hillary still lost, which is what happens when the majority of supporters get all their political news from Snapchat and Buzzfeed. They failed to gain control of the House or Senate and a vast majority of state governors are Republican affiliated. Like it or not, the liberals are in disarray and are tripping over themselves as they run further to the left and try to one-up each other in electing more and more extreme nutjobs. The fact… Read more »
Amen to that… unfortunately California now has a super-majority with Dems. Now they can arbitrarily enact tax increases and start our own California Obamacare if they want. They will take more money from people who choose to work for a living and force us to drive electric cars with a range of 100 miles. Shows how stupid the majority of Californians are.
Well, I happily voted for recreational pot, and common sense criminal justice reform (Prop 57). I also like Prop 47 and AB109-I’d rather see money spent on higher education than on prisons. Brain dead Republicans damn near wrecked this state-that’s why a majority of those voting prefer the Democrats.
I’m all for recreational pot – amen to that. I agree with you on the above items, but what about background checks for buying ammo and having to pay for grocery bags? I think that’s ridiculous. We got rid of bilingual ed years ago and have now brought it back. Actually, when Pete Wilson was in office, we had a budget surplus. I don’t think a democrat super-majority is the answer either – we need bipartisan representation. Dems just want to tax, tax, tax (aka Arnold Schwarzenegger quote from debates) and give handouts to lazy people (like my brother in… Read more »
Yes, plastic grocery bags pollute, and paper ones eat up forests. Bring your own bag, lazy U$A consumers used to being empowered to trash the earth for your comfort. You got rid of bilingual ed… lol… racists voting to interfere with the education of other peoples’ children. You quiver in fear when you hear Spanish, don’t you… lol. ¿de qué tienes tanto miedo, buey? ¿piensas que estamos hablando de tí? Democrats aren’t giving “handouts to lazy people”, they’re making sure everyone eats and has healthcare. Is that too much to ask from a modern society? Not in every other developed… Read more »
Who’s stupid? Depriving millions of healthcare is stupid. Continuing with the fossil fuel addiction which is poisoning and overheating the planet is stupid. Believing in rightwing snarky pundits on Faux News is stupid.
Now come call me stupid to my face, connedservative.
Dems gained 2 Senate seats and 6 House seats, they did not retake the majority in either house. At the state level is where the so called thrashing took place. There are now 32 GOP controlled states, 13 Dem controlled states, and 5 split legislatures.
Your boy Trumpolini is a traitor who used an unfriendly foreign power to get elected. That election was not valid. Hillary is President, legally.
Thrashing? All the uneducated whites came out in droves to vote in reaction to having “endured” a black President for 8 years. Absent white racism, the GOP could not win a national election.
To use quotations around Mike Pence’s homophobia is disgusting. Supporting conversion therapy (including electric shock) surely is and should be called homophobia.
I think you have taken this out of context. Pence never advocated forcing conversion therapy upon adults. He just wanted to allow it in cases where a minor’s parents thought it would be in their child’s best interest. How is that homophobic?
You are seriously asking “how is that homophobic?”? OK. let’s give you the benefit of the doubt. Stipulate that it is not homophobic. Rather it is uninformed blather and potentially child abuse (unless the child requests such junk-scientific “treatment” — which, as a child, s/he is in no position to do in an informed manner) possibly (knowing Pence) motivated by a penchant for treating scripture as though it were something other than the musings of folk lacking access to 2000+ years of intellectual and technological advances. As for the other comments (at least many) — you miss the important point… Read more »
We should hang out and have a beer sometime, maybe smoke a joint. You blaze?
Great article… I used to get into debates in high school with some left leaning friends who would say that communism – in it’s true form, was a great form of government. If it was so great, then why did they tear down the Berlin Wall? I agree – Castro will rot in hell.
Castro and Trump should rot in hell together.
Is the Nexus adopting a new model — tabloid journalism? I suggest that if serious political reporting is nonsustaining, get out of the business.
It is possible to write about the evils of Castro in a mature, non-sensationalist fashion (e.g., join me in hoping he rots in hell” paraphrased). This “article” is an embarrassment to your publication and a sad comment on how you envision your readers. Are you modeling yourselves after Brietbart (sp?) news?
What a shame. The University should be saddened by this display in a so-called well-respected student publication.
It’s an editorial dickhead – not written by Nexus staff. Are you suggesting that student should not be allowed to write opinion articles?
No. I am suggesting crude comments have no place in a publication aligned with an institution purportedly concerned with academic achievement and intellectual merit. So, your false equivalence is just that — false. I am not critiquing students — but rather the immatrure content of (some) student offerings. Opinion is fine and protected speech.
Accordingly, your response (i.e., dickhead) would fit right in with my concern that the Nexus not devolve into a Yahoo comment section. UCSB can (and should) be able to do better.
BTW: The ungrounded (i.e., non-fact-based) generalizations pr evading the opinion piece suggest that another grounds for monitoring such “work” is the level of ignorance contained therein. If it is an opinion piece, it belongs in the Enquirer or Fox news balanced reporting. The Nexus has an obligation to culling informed opinion from blather. Not everything has the “right” to publication just because it was written and submitted.
Well then I suggest you write the UC Regents a letter and express your concerns.
This has nothing to do with the regents. Do you have any substantive idea(s) guiding your posts? It has to do with the quality of published pieces by a newspaper supposed to represent UCSB. The informed comment would be to suggest that I write to the Nexus. But my remark was not in anticipation of a change. Rather it was a lament over what now seems to pass as intelligent, justified commentary and the fact that the Nexus has apparently failed to enact quality control. This speaks to the sad acceptance of pedestrian vulgarity by a venue assumed to have… Read more »
You’re really pissed about this aren’t you? You don’t have to read the article or the posts if you don’t want to.
Sane folk should be ‘pissed” about the state of affairs in journalism. It plays a disproportionate role in the sorry nature of the electorate in this country. And the UC should not be contributing to the mental rot. If this is not concerning to you (you did not say — only implied), you too are part of the problem (whether or not [most likely eventuality] you realize it). As for your solution — “don’t read this stuff it it annoys you” — all I can say is “are you serious?” How would I know in advance of reading what the… Read more »
I suppose you have a point. I don’t read Huffington Post and similar publications because of the left slant. You realize this is a student run newspaper and the author of this article could very well be an 18 year old kid? These aren’t professional journalists. I think being able to write things like “rot in hell” make the Daily Nexus all the better. I’d have to say though – I liked the Nexus better in the late 90’s – more humorous articles and less far left opinion pieces. Sorry I used the word “dickhead” – I was just joking… Read more »
Who started this lie that liberals like Castro?? We hate him just as much as everyone else!
Perhaps you should tell that to Justin Trudeau. I would agree that most sensible liberals acknowledge Castro’s crimes, but there’s a significant minority who persist in defending him.
Define significant. If you are making a numeric assertion (and if “significant” is not meant quantitatively, in what sense is it intended? A personal “feel”?) have the integrity to provide (at least) a proportionate data to justify the use of the word \. Else you are just tossing stipulation — and as an (I presume — perhaps incorrectly) aspiring journalist or blogger, you would do well to avoid the Drudge model (hint: It very well may be the case that CNN and others are also guilty. But, that is NOT the issue — so no need to avert attention from… Read more »
You don’t think that leaders of the major left-wing parties in Canada and the UK are “significant”?
Your use of the term “significant minority” — as you now claim it– greatly stretches credibility . To argue that you meant not “a significant minority” (as in numeric) but rather “a minority composed of significant individuals” is juvenile excuse making. Have you no integrity?
BTW: Context matters — so positioning “significant minority” in juxtaposition with “MOST sensible liberals” (emphasis mine)” clearly signals a numeric comparison was intended — not your post hoc claim that you intended “despite most liberals feeling X, there are two significant liberals who feel otherwise”.
This is Kelly-Anne Conway “logic”. Trump is still hiring — 2 positions [at least] remain unfilled.
A conservative lambasting the Left… a comedy of errors, of course. If Castro somehow tarnishes progressives, then are conservatives not tarnished by Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Pinochet, Chiang, and so on? Conservatives have to be seen as nothing but hypocrites when they complain about Castro’s human rights violations while ignoring the far greater atrocities committed by U$A allies in Latin America like Stroessner, Castillo Armas, Duarte, Somoza, Pinochet, and most notably Reagan’s buddy Ríos Montt. Next to any of these Fidel Castro was a paragon of decency, and I am not overlooking his faults. But put it in perspective… human rights… Read more »