
Kevin Son / Daily Nexus

Residents who attempt to vote at a location other than their designated polling place will have to cast a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots are counted after election officials confirm the voter is registered to vote in that county and has not previously voted the same election.

1. Residents living on the 6700 block from Del Playa Drive to Abrego Road and on the 6800 block from Del Playa Drive to El Colegio Road can cast their ballots at SB Housing CoOp located at 777 Camino Pescadero.

2. Residents living north of Picasso Road on Camino Del Sur and Camino Pescadero can cast their ballots St. Michael’s Church located at 6586 Picasso Road.

3. Residents living on the 6600 block from Del Playa to Picasso Road can cast their ballots at Santa Barbara Hillel located at 781 Embarcadero Del Mar.

4. Residents living above Anisq’Oyo Park to El Colegio Road can cast their ballots at Saint Mark’s Church located at 6550 Picasso Road.

5. Residents living on the first half of the 6500 block from Del Playa Drive to Seville Road and the second half of the 6500 block from Del Playa Drive to Pardall Road can cast their ballots at the Community Room located at 970 Embarcadero Del Mar.

6. Residents living in Manzanita Village and San Rafael Hall can cast their ballots at the Loma Paloma center in Manzanita Village.

7. Residents living at San Nicholas Hall and San Miguel Hall can cast their ballots at the Rec Room located in San Nicholas Hall.

8. Residents living Anacapa Hall, Santa Cruz Hall and Santa Rosa Hall can cast their ballots at the Rec Room located in Anacapa Hall.

9. Residents living in San Clemente and Santa Ynez student apartments can cast their ballots at the San Clemente Center located at 6530 El Colegio Road.

10. Residents living in Santa Catalina Halls can cast their ballots at the Santa Catalina Linda Vista Room located at 6580 El Colegio Road.

11. Residents living in the Sierra Madre student apartments can cast their ballots at the Miramar Center located at 555 Stork Road.

Still unsure about your polling place? Enter your registered voting address at to search for your designated location.

Want to make an informed decision at the polls? Head to for a comprehensive look at all local measures and statewide initiatives on the ballot for tomorrow’s general election. Also take a look at the Nexus endorsements for 2016.
