The Associated Students Finance and Business Committee (A.S. F&B) met Monday in the State Street Room of the UCen to discuss funding requests from 11 campus organizations.
At the beginning of the meeting, the available funds were $17,639.68 for the Office of Student Life, $0 for the Student Initiated Outreach Program, $0 for culture weeks and graduation, $17,480 for sports teams, $5,856 for academic teams and $5,485.26 for unallocated funds. A.S. F&B fully granted three requests, partially granted six requests and tabled three requests.
Fully Granted:
Group: Dance Marathon
Request: $592 for reallocation of funds, $1,119 reallocation of funds to Office of Student Life
Group: Tennis Club
Request: $3,000 for 2016 Tennis on Campus Nationals
Group: Mock Trial
Request: $1,500 for Opening Round Championships
Partially Granted:
Group: Musical Theater Society
Request: $2,800 for Musical Theater Society Spring Musical
Partially Granted: $1,000
Group: Isla Vista Film Festival
Request: $2,225 for Isla Vista Film Festival: Spring 2016
Partially Granted: $750
Group: Vietnamese Student Association
Request: $8,275.30 for 18th Annual Vietnamese Cultural Night
Partially Granted: $3,500
Group: Santa Barbara Hillel
Request: $1,050 for Throwback to Prom Senior Graduation Event
Partially Granted: $400
Group: The Filmmaker’s Co-op at UCSB
Request: $1,550 for CamCon
Partially Granted: $700
Group: The Film Studio
Request: $3,390 for Women in Media
Partially Granted: $750
Tabled Indefinitely:
Group: Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science
Request: $1,500 for student outreach event
Group: Hypatian Seminar
Request: $1,000 for Candice Price honorarium
Group: IEEE Photonics Society
Request: $100 for Ice Cream Social