You have heard of him and you have seen him. He is the legendary Donald Trump. Now here are some different ways of seeing Donald Trump that really show why his appearance trumps the rest of his political platform.

1.) Donald Trump the Twinkie

courtesy of Collin McLeod

Courtesy of Collin McLeod

The high cholesterol infused, sweet treat of your nightmares.

2.) Donald Trump the Ice Cream Cone ft. Joe Biden

courtesy of Collin McLeod

Courtesy of Collin McLeod

Something tells me this is not the weirdest thing Joe Biden has done in public.

3.) Donald Trump the Orangutan

Courtesy of Collin McLeod

“Planet of the Racists: Trump 2016”

4.) Donald Trump the Sofa

courtesy of Collin McLeod

Courtesy of Collin McLeod

A face not even Melania Trump could sit on.

5.) Donald Trump the Piece of Sushi

courtesy of Collin McLeod

Courtesy of Collin McLeod

“I can deal with China. I am reminiscent of their favorite meal.” 

6.) Donald Trump the Slug

courtesy of Collin McLeod

Courtesy of Collin McLeod

He has never been more relatable.

7.) Donald Trump as Donald Trump

courtesy of Collin McLeod

Courtesy of Collin McLeod

All I see is a piece of fried chicken?
