In a recent issue of the Daily Nexus, a white student arguing against the perceived “institutional persecution” of Greek life at our school claimed that no other demographic at this school faces the same persecution and condemnation as members of Greek life. Any student of color reading that statement must have been upset that, once again, the struggle of non-white students had been thrown under the bus so that white men, who pay thousands of dollars a year in order to live a Greek lifestyle, could claim that they experience institutional oppression. However, the comments made in that article are hardly surprising considering the degree to which white students and faculty at UCSB fail to address issues of racism.
I’m not here to call for the abolishment of Greek life because it represents patriarchal violence and the production of that catch-all word “connections,” which basically translates to “economically privileged social connections that ultimately decide your position in capitalism.” It’s no surprise that 48 percent of Presidents, 42 percent of Senators, 30 percent of Congress members and 40 percent of Supreme Court Justices have been a part of Greek life — this is hardly a group of people that faces “institutional persecution and condemnation.” If Greek life has any negative stigma attached to it, it is because of the very real occurrence of rape that happens at fraternities; this is an issue that our campus has been painfully slow in dealing with. When a woman was attacked by a group of Asian men on the street in 2013, we spent weeks posting flyers and borderline racist police caricatures in an attempt to identify the perpetrators.
However, we know that rape happens on a weekly basis in the fraternities of Isla Vista, yet rarely are the perpetrators’ faces plastered around the school; this is, of course, implying that the perpetrators receive any consequences at all. In Women, Race & Class, Angela Davis describes the way in which white men are allowed to use institutional power to commit sexual assault without the fear of consequences; meanwhile, men of color are culturally situated as the primary aggressors in sexual violence. This dynamic is apparent culturally — think of the popular catcalling video made by a white woman last year that became viral. The men featured in that video were overwhelmingly men of color, despite the fact that all men are responsible for patriarchal violence against women. This dynamic again is reproduced on our campus, where white men (and now up to five percent non-white men #liberalprogress) who can afford membership in fraternities are promised the experience of “fraternity life,” which includes fraternity parties and sexual exploits at those parties. This results in a significant amount of sexual violence, which college administrations nationwide have condoned through inaction. These cases are also kept under wraps by the social pressure exerted on victims by the Greek system to keep quiet or risk becoming a social pariah who caused the closure of a fraternity. This is institutional privilege protecting white men and non-white men who can afford the membership fees.
Art by Arthur Nguyen // Daily Nexus
I’m not saying that all members of fraternities are rapists, and frankly, if that’s what you drew from my previous paragraph, you’re missing the point. I’m saying that the issue of institutionally protected rape at fraternities is a very serious and heavily racialized issue — an issue that the author of the article I’m responding to has not considered when claiming that members of Greek life face the highest level of “institutional persecution and condemnation.”
Sadly, that article is hardly an anomaly when it comes to the way white students and faculty at UCSB handle discussions of race and issues associated with race (colonialism, institutional violence, etc.). I’ll begin with the police presence on campus. The police are a white supremacist institution primarily concerned with protecting the property of the ruling class and producing brown and black bodies for the ever-expanding prison industrial complex. I don’t feel that I need to expand on those statements here, but for anyone interested in the issue, a great place to start is The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. I have personally experienced police discrimination from UCPD officers, and many students of color have similar stories of being harassed, detained and humiliated while white students were ignored.
Just this year, Andy Sanchez, a student at UCSB, bled to death because of the inaction of Santa Barbara sheriff and fire officials who refused to treat him in a timely manner because of his race. This led to Sanchez’s death, once again highlighting the terror inflicted by police on students of color. No student of color — and especially no black student — can feel safe in Isla Vista while bands of heavily armed white men with a record of racial violence roam our streets. When these issues are brought up to white students and faculty, they fall on deaf ears who claim that there is no racial bias present in the way police deal with students of color. It is an exact reproduction of the national conversation regarding police brutality and white America’s ignorance of the issue. This is what it is like to suffer from “institutional persecution.”
The fact that any white person feels that they have the right to use a word with such a history of violence shows a basic failure of the white conscience.
The social presence of casual racism at our school is also astonishing and widespread. Going to any party in Isla Vista guarantees the sight of many white people shouting the N-word and referring to each other with the N-word while side-eying any black people who enter the party. The fact that any white person feels that they have the right to use a word with such a history of violence shows a basic failure of the white conscience. No person aware of the brutal history and current reality of racial violence in America would dare use that sort of language unless they fundamentally did not see the humanity of black people. The fact that white people using this word is so commonplace and can’t be avoided is another sign that the white student body at this school has failed completely in making this school a safe space for students of color. Racial insensitivity is especially on display during Halloween, Cinco De Mayo and many themed Greek parties. Isla Vista has no shortage of offensive costumes displaying racial stereotypes. White men dressed as “Arab Sheikhs,” completely ignoring the fact that the United States military has murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Arabs through its indiscriminate bombing campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan and has continued to use drone strikes in Yemen, Pakistan and other regions in the Middle East.
White women dressed in sombreros and ponchos, completely glossing over the continued exploitation of migrant workers in the United States, demonization of and violence towards Mexican immigrants and large-scale economic exploitation of Mexico through the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, which has led to a massive influx of immigrants. Yik Yak, a social network used by a massive number of students at this school, is a breeding ground for some of the most virulent and disgusting prejudice I’ve witnessed. I used Yik Yak for several weeks, posting under the username “KarlMarx420” to call out these instances of racism, and I witnessed the sheer magnitude of reactionary hatred present in white students using Yik Yak. These are just some of the examples I have witnessed personally. At no point have I ever seen white students apply social pressure to other white students to stop wearing disgusting and violent Halloween costumes or to stop saying the N-word or to stop any of the other horrible things white people do on a regular basis. This once again shows the backwards racial climate cultivated by white students at UCSB and shows that students of color at UCSB cannot feel safe around the white student body.
I especially have observed the effects of white supremacy in my own field. I’m currently a third-year mechanical engineering major at UCSB, and the largest corporate partners of our engineering program are companies like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. When I talk to my peers (overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male), these are the companies they are primarily interested in working for. Many professors (overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male) do consulting work for these companies and have research that directly deals with weapons manufacturing. As a Middle Eastern student, I am horrified and appalled that this many people are perfectly fine with being complicit in the murder and destruction of millions of lives. These companies are quite literally the driving economic force behind the white supremacist, capitalistic war machine that has ravaged Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and other Third-World nations for years. The weapons manufactured by these companies enforce American power overseas by taking a death toll that numbers in the millions. The fact that not a single professor that I have had has raised an ethical issue with this is disgusting, astonishing and once again shows the sociopathy of the white conscious when it comes to dealing with the pain and suffering of people of color.
Without even touching on our campus’s continued support of Israel, a white supremacist colonialist settler state predicated on the death and destruction of indigenous Palestinians, these examples show the backwards and violent racial climate at UCSB. This racial climate serves to dehumanize and harm students of color and creates an unsafe space for our education. It takes an immense psychological toll knowing that my peers see no ethical implications in assisting in the widespread violence of the American state towards people who look like me. It takes an immense psychological toll walking through campus on a daily basis knowing that the majority of the faces I see are willfully complicit about or actively participate in the institutional oppression I face.
It takes a psychological toll knowing that I could be arrested and brutalized by a police officer for conduct that a white person would be excused for. This is what it is like going to this school as a person of color. The ignorance of the white student body has only fed this unsafe atmosphere, and the column posted by the Daily Nexus last week is indicative of this attitude. White people will go so far to ignore the real oppression faced by people of color that they will claim that members of a white privileged drinking club face institutional oppression before they admit that racism exists on campus.
Thank you for courage in writing this important piece. I hope people can put down their defenses when they read it so that they can open their eyes to these issues. Thank you for raising awareness!
You just encouraged a student who sterotyped the entire fraternity system as a bunch of rich white men who allow rapes to occur “weekly”, called the police “white supremacists” and was snarky and ill informed in his writing of an article that, lacking any actual specific grounding besides getting behind a soap box issue currently, is slanderous and offensive to anyone who actually believes a word of this is true. Get a new job. I’m embarassed a professor would encourage such a pathetic article with so little actual evidence to base it on. All you did, Paymon, was cite a… Read more »
If you disagree with the article, fine. But stop with the over-the-top violent imagery. You sound like an imbecile.
I totally agree. All these rich frat stars are just getting way too much pussy. They must be raping girls. There’s no way they could be putting up those numbers.
Yea I think I actually boned the girl that wrote this
Such a good article with a message that really needed to be heard. All criticism that you will inevitably receive from writing this will only be coming from those whose privilege this article challenges. Keep being brave!
Do you know what this comment reminds me of? Westboro baptist church. They shut all ears to criticism because they believe they are doing what’s right or “Gods will”. They stick their heads in the sand and reply to all criticism with “gods will be done”. Your comment indicates a similar (and dangerous) mindset within the minority community on campus. I recognize that there are deeply rooted problems within the nation as a whole but these problems require education and discussion…not articles claiming that “The police are a white supremacist institution primarily concerned with protecting the property of the ruling… Read more »
That was such a reach. I am not blindly following the will of anyone. I am stating that the people whose privilege will be offended by this article. And look, they are. The writer is so brave to put themselves in this position.
Hi, this is incredible. Thank you so much.
“Weekly basis”. Piss off you ignorant tumblr swine.
honestly that was the best you could come up with?
“However, we know that rape happens on a weekly basis in the fraternities of Isla Vista, yet rarely are the perpetrators’ faces plastered around the school;” Where did you get this statistic? “Just this year, Andy Sanchez, a student at UCSB, bled to death because of the inaction of Santa Barbara sheriff and fire officials who refused to treat him in a timely manner because of his race.” Do you have any factual evidence at all to back this up? Pretty frustrated with the broad brush you are using hear. Seems like you’ve never really interacted with anyone wihtin the… Read more »
4/5 instances of sexual assault are committed by someone known to the victim. 68% of rapes go unreported. –though linked, both stats can be found in the National Crime Victimization Survey. As students and residents of Isla Vista, through personal dialogue and partygoing it is apparent and abhorrent the rampantness of sexual assault in Isla Vista. True, not all of it happens associated with frats, but I personally know more than enough womyn whom have been sexually assaulted by fraternity members to take this as a fact that is often proved true. –Personal testimony can be false,… Read more »
1) National statistics and some stories from your friends does not in anyway substantiate the authors claim that it is a “fact” that rapes occur on a weekly basis in the UCSB Greek System. You either don’t know the definition of the word “fact” or you’re simply ignoring it because it doesn’t fit your narrative. 2) you’re right that eye-witness accounts can be false. However you arresting to think that a racialized event (or what was simply perceived as one) would cause their accounts to be more accurate. Do you know why eye-witness accounts are often false? Because human memories… Read more »
Can I get a fem studies minor for reading this whole thing?
Exhibit A
So where’s this pity party being held?
Exhibit B
Tldr; White people bad, POC good
Exhibit C
Seriously, people don’t read anymore. Skimming was only relevant for the SAT dumb ass
“The police are a white supremacist institution primarily concerned with protecting the property of the ruling class and producing brown and black bodies for the ever-expanding prison industrial complex. I don’t feel that I need to expand on those statements…” “…and once again shows the sociopathy of the white conscious when it comes to dealing with the pain and suffering of people of color.” “Without even touching on our campus’s continued support of Israel, a white supremacist colonialist settler state predicated on the death and destruction of indigenous Palestinians…” “White people will go so far to ignore the real oppression… Read more »
Thank you so much for writing this. Stay strong and know that those who criticize your article are the same people who benefit from this system made for white cis gender men. Again thank you so much!
you’re the racist. Stop projecting. Also stop making all these ridiculous illogical leaps from unsourced, inaccurate claims, and just throwing in the words “white” and “male” with anything negative regardless of whether they’re relevant for the sake of demonizing a group of people who were born a certain way. The reason people like you — and, no, article author, not “people like whatever race or gender you are,” I mean “people like you” as in “racist, stupid, bigoted, self-righteous, victim-complex pieces of shit” — the reason people like you are “economically disadvantaged” is because you spew stupid, racist bullshit on… Read more »
did you miss the part where the author was a mechanical engineering major
okay? you can be a Mechanical Engineering major and still be a racist, bigoted, self-absorbed piece of shit with a massive victim complex and a hate for people who look differently.
obviously you don’t understand what “white fragility” means
Title is irrelevant.. if I were to write 15 paragraphs of unsourced, unjustified hateful rhetoric against a group of people based on their skin color or gender, just because my article had the title “❤️ Everyone!! ❤️❤️❤️” doesn’t mean my article wouldn’t be worthless, hateful, and awful, nor does it mean that I wouldn’t be a worthless, hateful, and awful bigot. while on topic, race, gender, or life situation of the author matters just as much as title.
obviously YOU didn’t read the article.
Yes, white people do not regularly experience racism. That does not mean someone has the right to spew hate speech towards white people
also, fuck yourself, bigot.
“Darkness cannot drive away darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive away hate, only love can do that.” Obviously the author of this article is upset, and no it doesn’t justify him spewing racial comments and hate towards a specific party, but instead of seeing the pain that the author is truly masking with directed anger towards the group he believes is responsible, you think you should further dehumanize him with insults? What do you do when a kid is angry and is trying to express it in an unproductive way? You recognize the anger and try to… Read more »
Great comment :). I like you.
www dot commonapp dot org
Also, please stop diluting words and phrases like “violence”, “racist”, and “white supremacy.” They’re very useful words and no one benefits when you take away their usefulness. I know you’re sad that you can’t be part of a last big civil rights movement, but that doesn’t mean you can pretend things are just as bad for you by misappropriating their words. Over the years, I’ve had a lot of black friends who have lived through that time period and I’ve had the privilege of hearing them tell their stories from that time period. I don’t think they would appreciate you… Read more »
Exhibit D
Really? This was one of the better comments, and this is your response. WAY TO GO!
preach OP!! i feel so much better for my major in fem studies now! fuck wwhite people! fuck paris! #blackLivesMatter #imASpecialFlower #giveMeMoreEquality
are you serious^^^??? woww
Exhibit E
Transfer to Yale then if it bothers you. There’s a truly PC campus for you
great ideas in the article, terrible execution, leaving too many parts open to attack by the opposition.
i know this is an opinion article, but you should address counter-arguments so you don’t have comments like the ones here tearing your article a new one.
don’t just point fingers, educate the opposition :) and by educate i dont mean cite random stats and leave your readers to figure it out on their own. find flaws in their thinking and work from there.
This article is everything! Thanks so much for the thoughtfulness you put into it, and for calling out structural violence in such powerful ways.
Seconded. Also, seriously concerned about the rest of our undergraduate population, if the comments left on this letter are any indication of campus trends.
As grad students, I would think that you could tell the difference between articles that contain logical arguments and those that don’t. I’m concerned that the graduate student population at this school might be a bit overworked. Take a break from reading papers to browse through your old logic 101 book.
I agree Grad Student #3. Us grad students are older and more experienced and should behave as such.
I lost IQ points reading this piece. This is exemplary of the embarrassing level of intelligence of many students at UCSB.
If it’s so painful being on the UCSB campus surrounded by those you so obviously hate, there’s a really simple solution–leave. Go back to the Middle East where you’ll be around people you relate to.
And how about you go back to where you came from and continue spewing your ignorance there, since I’m quite sure you’re not Native American. Our ancestors all came here for better opportunities and what makes America great is that we can all share our differing opinions, cultures, values, backgrounds, etc. and still live amongst each other just fine and maybe even befriend one another.
Where do I start? 1) dude identifies as a Middle Eastern student. 2) he identifies and sympathizes with terrorists in that part of the world. 3) he says he’s afraid to walk across campus because of all the white students who are oppressing him even when they’re not. 4) to him all white people are oppressors. 5) he throws out wild accusations willy nilly in hopes that something sticks-otherwise known as throwing mud at the wall. 6) he can’t handle the reality that the companies who might hire him do defense contracts. 7) I could go into pathological analysis of… Read more »
I’ve never seen so much ignorance in one post before…
You obviously have never lived in Fresno Anonymous. Let’s see, three out of every 10 gang members nationally live in Fresno County. According to our university PD crime alerts, the vast majority of violent crimes on or near campus are committed by Blacks. At a campus safety forum a week ago, university staff members with weapon permits pressed our police chief for permission to carry on campus (legally they can’t). We’re a different world here from the coast.
Some additional thoughts…. 1) Fresno’s most popular national news outlet is Fox News; 2) a couple of years ago, the police reporter for our local paper urged the city’s police chief to issue “hunting licenses” to citizens to execute “mutts” or Bulldog gang members, then hang the carcasses from trees in front of the county jail; 3) Prop 47 is intensely disliked; 4) medical marijuana doesn’t exist-it’s essentially outlawed; 5) our sheriff is a Constitutional Sheriff; 6) if the election was held today our city’s police chief would likely be elected mayor. Back in the 1970s during the run up… Read more »
The common app bro
The comments section is like literally exhibit A i’m screaming my asshole off
<3 u Paymon you're an angel
Congrats, you’ve memorized a couple letters of the alphabet. Got anything of substance to say?
Wait let me guess. Not worth your time? Not your job to teach people about racism? All of these comments just prove his point?
Commenting on everyone’s criticisms with “Exhibit A, B, C…” is your way of making a point? Real constructive, Edgar.
seriously just drop out and post on tumblr from home, you give us all a bad name
Are you referring to giving white people a bad name? If that’s the case, you guys truly deserve the bad name due to your ignorance.
Most of us took the same intro to x-studies class where you learned all of the stuff you love to parrot so much.
To those claiming THIS article is expressing hatred and racism: read your comments. This article is an opinion, but it is also expressing the facts that those who are not white experience the world differently because of systematic oppression. To insult the writer and his perceptions of such oppression is exactly what he is talking about: white fragility. As a white woman, I recognize that what he is saying exists on this campus even though I have not been victim to it, to deny that is foolish and cruel. Thank you for writing this piece.
The author of this piece must be a joy around the Thanksgiving table.
Oh, nevermind, it’s a holiday that celebrates colonialism, genocide, and oppression!
Thank you to those of you offering words of encouragement and support. It took me a while to decide to attach my real name to this, knowing the racist backlash it would attract. To the rest of you, thank you for proving my point about white fragility. I’m “sensitive” because i’m speaking about the violent effects of racism but you’re not overreacting when you post paragraphs of racial hatred on an article because you don’t like what I wrote. I cited a paper by Angela Davis and a book by Michelle Alexander, two leading scholars in the field of race.… Read more »
Why don’t you respond to some of those comments rather than simply saying, “Thanks for proving my point!”? Discussion is significantly more challenging than writing an article, but it is also significantly more enriching. Most of the comments are just lazy trash but it shouldn’t be hard to counter those that are trying to make a point, assuming that you’re as correct as you think you are.
Disagreeing is not racism. This is the problem of the crybully.
The author was literally told to “go back to the middle east” and you’re saying that’s not racism
1) that’s cherrypicked, why doesn’t the author to any of the other 100% reasonable complaints? 2) context: “go back to the middle east” is quite clearly a reference to how the author, despite being hateful and closeminded, is taking on a point of moral high ground and refusing to justify any claims, just like perhaps the treatment of women by radical muslims in the middle east 3) the author is a racist crybully living in fantasy land
Now it seems like you’re just hate mongering to provoke a racist response to try and prove your point. None of these comments are attacking your race or even mention your race, aside from the go back to the middle east guy. Also, the ‘Demonization of Greek Life’ doesn’t even mention the Holocaust or the Jewish people, concepts I’m sure your bringing up to trigger more negative responses to your article, which you believes gives it some credibility. As you wrote, this is an opinion piece and everyone is entitled to an opinion. It just so happens that your opinion… Read more »
Why are you afraid to respond to people who say you’re article is racist?
Really enjoyed reading this article!! These racist commentors are blind, either willingly or out of ignorance, and pretty damn butthurt. Denying white privilege is as ignorant as denying the Holocaust.
nice buzz words and unjustified claims. go back to tumblr, you need an echo chamber idiot
yeah except he needs an echo chamber for OUR sake lol
So you’re denying white privelehe exists? Maybe you’re too busy combing your neckbeard and spouting racist bullshit under the protection of anonymous internet forums to read the news. Come back when you have some opinions your parent’s didn’t spoonfeed you
As soon as you come back with some opinions your humanities professor didn’t spoonfeed you
I researched this on my own and listened to the experiences of friends. Also, it isn’t that hard to notice in real life. But thanks for admitting to my point about your parents!
Oh your friends told you. Ok I believe you then.
And here we see the attention-starved millenial immediately accuse any dectractors of being racist, as is customary.
Finally an amazingly well written piece speaking truth to the experiences that undergrads, grads, and faculty of color experience! Of course your piece on white fragility incited evidence of said fragility… white privilege is a hell of a drug. SOLIDARITY.
“White people experience less racism in this majority White nation… let’s be write racist articles about them and then make fun of them when they cry out against said racist articles!”
While i agree that there is a fair amount of racial tension in the world today. Your portrayal of the “white student” is in my experience a minority of the actual white student population. Also shaming a large group of people and starting continueing stereotypes of the oppessive white person isn’t going to do any for your cause since what i have noticed is i feel increasing attacked and uncomfortable when these things come up even though. I have never commited such acts of oppression, i came to ucsb because it was diverse i refused to go to the nearly… Read more »
You have to be willing to accept to criticism to truly understand these issues though. While I’m willing to accept that you haven’t explicitly done or said anything racist, a criticism of the larger white population’s apathy towards racist issues invariably makes you complicit in the criticism. Unless of course, you actively educate yourself and fight against racial injustice in everyday life, in which case this criticism doesn’t apply to you and you have no reason to be offended
“You have to be willing to accept racism for me to truly justify getting a degree in social sciences though. Even though you might not be a racist (cracker), you should still be a victim of racism because some White people (crackers) are racist, which actually makes you a racist, too. If you are actually somehow not a racist though, you have no right to feel the feelings you are feeling.”
the only offense is that people like you apparently assume that we are all racist or complicit in racism. I am not responsible or what my ancestors did even though my ancestors at least for the last hundred or more years have been supportive of the civil rights movement. Drop the prejudice its not helping your cause.
If this kid would respond to just one negative comment…
“The police are a white supremacist institution primarily concerned with protecting the property of the ruling class and producing brown and black bodies for the ever-expanding prison industrial complex.” I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t read the whole article, but you can’t put something like the above sentence in there and expect people to take you seriously. Especially when your next sentence is “I don’t feel I need to expand on this statement”. You also describe the police here in IV as bands of heavily armed white men with a history of racial violence roaming the streets. If you’re choosing… Read more »
TL;DR: We can focus on the “oppression” of White frat boys or we can focus on real issues and work towards a truly equal society.
TL;DR fuck all you filthy fucking white people.. All you fuckin white fucks are racists!! And fuck men, too!!! And the police! And also Israel! I’m so impressed!!!
Shit tier troll. Make it more subtle next time OP
Totally agree with most of the points here, but do we have to live in such a cut-throat society where wearing a sombrero on Halloween is violent aggression. It’s one thing to offensively be a slutty imam or rabbi and it’s another thing to wear a sombrero with cultural appreciation.
I absolutely enjoyed reading your piece, and the thoughtfulness and time you have put into it is clearly evident. However, as another comment pointed out, I would highly suggest in the future backing up your arguments with more tangible data, because otherwise it reads as speculation which opens up your article to criticism and attack. If your aim is to convince the predominantly white campus of UCSB, particularly its male students, that there is an issue of racism and sexism on this campus, then you need to provide hard-hitting statistics and testimony that clearly show there is a problem here,… Read more »
See: crybully
geh, how much are you paying this campus and you don’t even know to use “sic” over “see”. (Hey look, I can ad hominem too!!)
Thank you for your courage in sharing this article. I can see from reading the comments that many are one-dimensional responses to your thoughtful piece, however, it is nevertheless important to ignite dialogue about the racial oppression, injustice, and tensions that underlie all of our day to day realities, whether we are conscious of them or not. The important thing is that while many of the reactions to this article are indeed proving its point, I guarantee that there are readers who encounter your words with an open-minded empathy, who perhaps were blissfully unaware of the reality of those unlike… Read more »
Be like: Buzz word buzz word.. all these comments are PROOF of all these claims…. Buzz word buzz word you’re so strong author! Preach!!
Rational people: how?
Humanity majors: …
Humanity majors: LOOK, MORE PROOF!!
OP is literally in the hardest stem major at this school
Humanities majors, unlike you who has clearly never studied these issues or even opened your mind to the possibility that they exist
Haha that’s pretty spot on. Buzzfeed activisim.
As a humanities major, I did not find the article convincing in its argument, considering a lot of it based on exaggerated “statistics” and a lack of actual evidence. The feelings that sparked the need to right this article may be in the right place, but the writing overall needs a lot of help.
is based*
OP is to mechanical engineers as Ben Carson is to surgeons. Thanks for helping me correct myself in believing Mechanical Engineers are all not pants-on-head idiots
Too any claims here. If you’re going to accuse greek life, the police, and the entire american military of being white supremacists then at least take the time to argue that point. This article is bullshit. You’ve obviously been scoping your Facebook news feed and scanning popular news headlines and have heard of Black Lives Matter, have seen the words “cultural appropriation”, and have maybe stood and watched Isla Vista from a distance, but if you’re going to make claims as deep as the ones you so willingly spewed in this article, do some damn research. Talk to the police.… Read more »
“We know rape happens on a weekly occurrence in the fraternities of isla Vista.” That is a completely unfounded claim that you have no evidence to back up. You go on to complain all of these things that annoy you but you offer no remedies. Additionally, to claim that connections are synonymous with institutional decisions in capitalism is absurd. You’re an engineering major so maybe you don’t understand the fundamental importance of relationships in becoming successful or maybe you just view anyone pursuing a degree that emphasizes business as a capitalist pig that wants to steal your money. Either way… Read more »
So triggered
Wow, people really can’t handle the idea that UCSB isn’t as ~perfect~ as they would like to think it is. These are all valid points that OP has made, and I don’t really see anyone disputing that… Instead, people are just making racist remarks to distract away from the point of the article. White privilege does exist, it is very noticeable to anyone who isn’t white (so if you’re white… that’s probably why you haven’t noticed it! you’ve been enjoying it too much to look around and see that not everyone has what you have, congratulations!). Yeah, you might not… Read more »
LOL. What a joke bringing up the passing of our fellow peer.. how dare you use that as right of passage to bringing up racial issues on our campus. Police follow protocol under those circumstances, SORRY THEY DIDNT RESPOND EXACTLY HOW YOU WANTED THEM TO, but they would’ve done the same had it been a “white” student. It’s pathetic to even have to constantly make that distinction of race. Fucking stupid. And comments have to be manually cleared so you can filter out the truth calling out your bullshit? Lol.
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“The police are a white supremacist institution primarily concerned with protecting the property of the ruling class and producing brown and black bodies for the ever-expanding prison industrial complex.”
Have fun in the real world, kid. LOL. I’m sure you’ll call them if you’re ever faced with a real problem, like someone breaking into your house, despite their life mission of filling up prisons.
“Just this year, Andy Sanchez, a student at UCSB, bled to death because of the inaction of Santa Barbara sheriff and fire officials who refused to treat him in a timely manner because of his race.”
?? the fuck
“Just this year, Andy Sanchez, a student at UCSB, bled to death because of the inaction of Santa Barbara sheriff and fire officials who refused to treat him in a timely manner because of his race.” Let me fix this for you, Paymon: “Just this year, Andy Sanchez, a student at UCSB, bled to death because he ingested a hallucinogenic drug and then punched a window, incurring a fatal injury in so doing.” We’re seriously supposed to believe that a couple of emergency workers reasoned as follows? P1 “Hey, a guy cut his arm and is bleeding to death.” P2… Read more »
I second this, the kid shouldn’t have died but he also fucked up when he punched the window.
Awefull article. You need to get your facts straight. Stop making up facts and statements that are obviously false
I am a middle eastern male in a fraternity and you sir, are a racist.
I’ve been accused by several people in this very thread of having “white fragility,” and being “openly and obviously uncomfortable with acknowledging that white people can and do contribute to the cycle of oppression in this country by passively benefitting from it.” Well I don’t, okay!? So stop saying that I have white fragility, because it hurts my feelings! White fragility? I mean, what are you even trying to say? Are you trying to tell me I’m some kind of hypersensitive, tone-deaf drama queen whose life is so privileged that the worst thing I ever have to deal with is… Read more »
your narrative has no basis in reality lol. just because you attempt a satirical comment on something doesn’t mean your view at all reflects reality. how about some evidence or proof of the baseless claims youre making? i’ve yet to see literally any from any of you racist bigots in this essay or comment section.
we know that rape happens on a weekly basis in the fraternities of Isla Vista,
How on earth can you say something like this, with no proof?
I want to be on your side, I really do, but you can’t make unsubstantiated claims like this and expect them to stick. You’re appealing to emotion, not truth.
Poorly written, ill-informed, presumptuous, and racist. Assuming that ALL white people are ignorant or supremacist based on the news of the few who actually are is racist in and of itself. You make it seem like no other race does the same to any other race. I agree that some white people embody what you present, but projecting that across the entirety of the race is hateful and immature. Get your facts straight and live your own life.
Clearly this kid didn’t get a bid.
I am a dark-skinned Indian UCSB alumni, and I can confidently say that you’re completely full of shit. Fraternities are under immense pressure from the administration, and are constantly targeted and shamed by articles and posts like yours. No one is getting raped at DTD or wherever on a “weekly basis”, and I, an Indian student whose skin is likely considerably darker than yours, have never received unfair treatment for the cops. I’ve literally been caught trying to flip a car, screamed drunken threats at cops, and stood right next to a friend who threw a forty off a balcony…and… Read more »
At least there’s some hope for this generation with this dude ^
There’s so many things about your comment that make my roll my eyes, but I’m not going to address all of that. I am going to point out however that just because your friends who aren’t white use the n word does not make it ok. Nigga is literally derived from nigger, and is a reclaimed racial slur by black people, for black people. I don’t know why y’all think it’s cool to call each other nigga? Can’t you reclaim your own racial slurs lmao. Like I would hope that y’all wouldn’t use the words ch*nk, w*tback, or p*ki freely,… Read more »
“There’s so many things about your comment that make my roll my eyes, but I’m not going to address all of that.”
Excellent refutation!
They literally said, “I’ve literally been caught trying to flip a car, screamed drunken threats at cops, and stood right next to a friend who threw a forty off a balcony…” if that doesn’t make you roll your eyes, then idk what to tell you buddy lmao. Like how is all of that ok lol
The point was that I, an extremely dark-skinned Indian dude, received extremely lenient treatment from the cops considering the stuff that I did while I lived in Isla Vista. Funnily enough, I also saw multiple white kids get manhandled for doing nothing more than stumbling around drunk. I don’t deny that racism exists in the IVFP, but what I do take issue with is the blanket statement that they blindly target students of color and leave white people alone. The situation is a lot more complex and nuanced than the author of this piece seems to realize. But, of course,… Read more »
Really? So are my Somali, Nigerian, or Kenyan friends allowed to say “nigga”? Who makes the rules on this kind of thing?
Yeah…if they’re black. It’s not that hard of a concept to grasp, but it seems that many people fail to understand for some reason. I don’t go around using racial slurs aimed at groups I don’t belong to, and I’d hope you don’t either. For some reason though, people think the n-word is up for grabs? It’s ignorant for anyone who isn’t black to believe they have the right to use a word with such horrible history behind it. There are so many other words one could use without being offensive towards a large group of people. I don’t understand… Read more »
“But fraternity members are three times more likely to rape, according to a 2007 study, which notes that fraternity culture reinforces “within-group attitudes” that perpetuate sexual coercion.” “For starters, they are insulated from outside perspective. It wasn’t until the late 1960s that Greek organizations eradicated whites-only membership clauses; as a recent controversy at the University of Alabama revealed, only one black student had been permitted into that Greek system since 1964. Throughout the country, the fraternities grew into “caste system based on socioeconomic status as perceived by students,” John Chandler, the former president of Middlebury” “They slide right into the… Read more »
You just cited a retracted Rolling Stone article . Go back to high school
^This is the updated version of the article. The article you cited got the chief editor fired because of all of the incorrect information. Stop spreading lies and get informed please.
“The effects of Greek life can be felt long after a fraternity brother or sorority sister graduates from college. Statistics show that 85% of Supreme Court justices since 1910 have been members of Greek organizations at their respective schools. Since 1825, every president except for two has donned a fraternity letter, and since 1900, 70% of the presidential cabinet has donned fraternity or sorority letters. Further, 85% of Fortune 500 lead executives were members of the Greek system, and 43 of the 50 largest corporations are headed by former fraternity or sorority members.”
Quality source there.
I thought the original article was satire, and I was waiting for the punchline. Thank you for punching that article in the face.
This, hands down, is the most eloquently composed article I have ever seen submitted to Nexus Opinion AND it serves to communicate a flippin amazing message. Just … thank you. Keep standing up to these blatantly offensive comments… at least it means you’re reaching an audience that needs to hear what you’re saying.
Standing up these comments by doing what? Ignoring them? That’s not what it means to stand up to something.
I am still yet to see a single response to any legitimate condemnation of this article, while people on the opposing side of the argument present plentiful valid responses, there is no legitimate discussion.
exhibit Z
“Greek life”, “Any student of color”, “White people”… I’m SO glad to see yet another passionate individual is trying to represent our complex community by blasting out blatantly insensitive generalizations in order to spark sensationalized discussion and social media shares. I am a member of Greek Life who lives in one of the supposed rape infested fraternity houses and honestly cannot fathom what makes you think it you have the right to connect my hard working, morally sound friends (and self) to these very serious allegations. I personally live with a very diverse group of individuals from different descents- Persian,… Read more »
Kian, thank you for putting into words exactly what I was thinking while reading this piece. If the author does get back to you, I would be honored to join you two at dinner. Maybe someday people will transcend the need to lash out with hostile hyperboles through the media, and rather sit down together and try to understand and celebrate each other’s differences. Maybe someday we will remember we’re all just humans trying to figure things out. That would be beautiful. Thanks again Kian.
I don’t deny systematic racism and violence. But I do think it somewhat ignorant to make an assumption that all fraternities are promoting rape. And that all white students are being racist during halloween. And that the entire police force is hunting minorities. The hard part about arguments like the one you have presented is that your fighting for the demarginalization of a group and fair treatment. You can attack those who perpetuate and seek these terrible acts of violence and racism, yet when you group all greek life, all white students, and all police into one group you reduce… Read more »
The author has a powerful voice and strength with words, but the message is lost in what appears to be a sad attempt to jump on the bandwagon of white-shaming going on at so many less-progressive campuses across the nation.
No school is perfect, but to try to equate the UCSB racial climate to those seen in much more hateful areas of the country is ignorant and unfortunate.
“we know that rape happens on a weekly basis in the fraternities of Isla Vista”, do you happen to have sources to this outrageous claim?
Being from a fraternity with a clean record I hear this article, but when claims like this are made you are threatening the moral integrity of a lot of upstanding community serving rights advocating individual fraternity members.
Reading this article really makes me disappointed about the way schools are heading. I am a person of color, immigrant, and hard working individual at this school and frankly this article resorts to pure libel and fear mongering. I am also a part of Greek Life at this school and your accusations are ridiculously un-factual and out of line. Stop making generalizations that will hurt other people (innocent people who happen to be white that have not persecuted you) that have not done anything to you, especially on the basis of skin color (yes white is a skin color too)… Read more »
As a UCSB alumni, I completely agree with this article. Much of what is describe I personally witnessed as a student at UCSB. However, I never met a student from the engineering department who understood the dynamics of racism and oppression at UCSB as well as the author. To the author: Your perspective as an engineering student is especially valuable. I hope you have found or will find a lot of students with a similarly advanced understanding both inside and outside of your department.
I second this.
I third!
Like you totally understand my plight. I am so oppressed as a person of color with this food I eat by the beach next to my apartment. I am unable to do anything about it or able to bring my grievances to these professors. Fear mongering and divisive thought are my only source of change. I need to be protected from opposing views and be given a safe space free of triggering. The system is against me by the cis white male overlords.
Thank you for your informative, thoughtful article.
Drivel like this is ? but the writer wants to be taken seriously. Last week a bunch of blacks were yelling about racism and the Klan in our free speech area. The general reaction from Asian and Latino, as well as white, students was wtf are these fools crying about? The Greek system on my CSU campus is thoroughly integrated (Latinos make up close to 50 percent of fraternity brothers). We also have openly gay Greeks. I don’t see a whole lot of racism in our Greek system. Where I see racism is in rants like this opinion piece. Blanket… Read more »
This piece was beautifully written and very necessary. Have you considered being a writer? I run a lit mag on campus and desperately need staff, or at least people who will submit essays to us.
But seriously: amazing, amazing work. Don’t listen to these ignorant bigots.
You should consider publishing some of my stuff as well. For a sample of my work, check out “The Demonization of Greek Life.” It’s at least as well written as the above piece, and I’m sure your lit magazine could use some diversity of opinion, if that’s what you’re looking for.
you are literally like a child wow
don’t kid yourself, even if you don’t agree with Paymon it’s obvious that they possess a writing level you will never be at. maybe that’s why you haven’t actually posted a response
As a Middle Eastern guy you are really giving us a bad name taking a crap on white people. Also, you’re perpetuating the stereotype that Middle Eastern people are all extremists. That’s what you are, an extremist. Tone it down a bit bud and try to find a valid fact for once. You really shit the bed with this article. Start replying to some comments with a fact or two if you can get your head out of your ass long enough to do so.
I was on board with this article until it made an unsubstantiated claim that Israel is a “white supremacist” state. It was a very sly attempt to indoctrinate people to your position while claiming to avoid it.
Hi Paymon, Thank you for your response – it’s certainly stirred up discussion, and that’s exactly what I wanted to do when I wrote my original piece. I think you misunderstood the intention of my piece on several levels. When I spoke about “institutional persecution” of Greek life, I was referring to the school specifically, not the police, Israel, or any other entity. (And if you know anything about my past, you’d know that I’ve been extremely critical of the police in Isla Vista.) I believe this because no other student group, including groups for students of color, are held… Read more »
Another reason people are so strict about Greek life policies is because their hazing practices sometimes end up with death, whereas other student organizations don’t have that same problem.
If hazing is voluntary, I have no problem with it personally. People accept abuse to their own bodies for a variety of reasons, including sexual masochism and religious flagellence. If people are willing to undergo abuse to feel like they’re part of an organisation, that’s their right in my opinion – but this isn’t even close to the main thrust of my argument, just a personal aside.
you may not have a problem with it, but I’m sure the school feels differently.. When you’re faced with several news articles each year about students dying trying to be part of these organizations, I’m sure schools feel some pressure to try to prevent these incidents from happening on their own campuses. Death gives organizations a bad name. I’m sure if BSU, etc. had some passages of rite that were so dangerous that people across several campuses were dying, the school would be just as restrictive to them.
I mean yeah if you wanna abuse yourself, go ahead no ones stopping you, but don’t do it under an organization associated with the university lol
Rites of passage* my bad
Did you just justify rape? There are things called coercion. People also don’t accept abuse for a number of reasons, but it still happens. You realize that sometimes they don’t want to, but they do it because of fear of what happens if they don’t. There’s all sorts of pressures that make people unwillingly participate in the activities.
As a white, male UCSB greek member, I will say that this article had a few good points hidden in it. However, anything that I would consider a fair statement was totally overshadowed by all of the complete bullshit the author spewed all over the page. To whoever wrote this, shitting all over the opposition with ludicrous statements is not the best way to make mutual progress. It’s people like you who actually hurt your own cause by creating more tension and making the argument even more polarizing.
You have an excellent piece here attacking the rape culture institutionalized at fraternities, and the way it is intertwined with white privilege, WASPs senses of entitlement, and so forth. I really could not agree with you more on everything you have to say about these points. It appalls me to think that statistically speaking, chances are, quite a few of my students are the survivors of sexual violence, that, worse, at least a few of my students are likely the perpetrators of that violence, and that worst of all, frats (and the university) work to protect them, to look the… Read more »
+1. Hit it right on the head. What started out as a decent analysis of campus rape culture quickly spiraled into a filing of various unrelated grievances – with “white supremacy” somehow the core of all these issues?
There is no such thing as being racist against white people because racism refers to institutionalized oppression which white people (and I am white and I acknowledge this!) have never had to face.
Merriam Webster
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race
: the belief that some races of people are better than others
The civil rights movement happened because there was civil disobedience, because people were willing to go to jail, because there were events like Bloody Sunday, but it was also because the leadership of the movement consistently stayed open to the possibility of reconciliation and sought to understand the views, even views that were appalling to them, of the other side. I don’t want you to think that a display of your strength is simply shutting other people up. Part of your ability to bring about change is going to be by engagement and understanding the viewpoints and the arguments of… Read more »
The point has some observational ground, however it is way too generalized. I think there are sufficient Latino and African Americans who are well off that try to oppress their same-race peers and needless to say, their peers of different races. Additionally, every campus is different, as far as greek like goes. It’s absolutely stupid to say all fraternity groups instill or highlight white supremacy or some type of elite class, although historically that has been true about our general society (In America). Another factor that’s important is school size, it’s easier for students to join groups with people of… Read more »
This article is being shared through other social media and that is how I found it. Agree with what the article is pointing out in our society and being prejudice without even realizing it. But we can’t generalize all people of specific gender, race, organizations,etc just because some are that way. We need to raise awareness and be honest within each one of us and be open minded to see things the way they really are.
not hiring someone because they choose to be outspoken on an issue that affects them personally such as racism is literally racism. go fuck yourself
Uh no it’s literally not. Companies have no obligation to hire people who seem likely to create conflict between employees. Hiring those people would actually be pretty dumb. You’re going to have so much fun in the real world, little one.
I’ll be over there, fucking myself.
Frankly, most private companies likely would not employ him. Checking social media is a routine part of background checking. And freedom of speech doesn’t necessarily apply in private employment situations. A recent opinion writer fond of spelling America Amerikkka wasn’t hired for her dream job. Her “activism” became an issue and she wasn’t chosen for the position.
The author was saying that he would be disgusted to work for a defense contractor contributing directly the destruction of millions of lives. The author doesn’t *want* to work for such an employer. And there are millions like the author, who work in less destructive places, spend time with more understanding, ethical, and creative people, and therefore live rewarding and happy lives. What cash you have to disperse really isn’t either attractive nor necessary (and I’m not saying that foregoing it is necessarily to make less, either: just that there are other considerations as well). You have no monopoly over… Read more »
Paymon, this is frankly one of the best articles I’ve ever read from a ucsb campus newspaper. I never comment on articles, but I want to thank you for writing this. Reading the comments for this piece is so revealing of the ‘white fragility’ your column talks about. As for the people commenting saying this article is biased, etc., the discussion of race is open to you too. It’s just hard to have an open conversation when, on one hand, the author of the piece is actually citing evidence and speaking about incidents that are not isolated, and on the… Read more »
FFS is my response to “White Fragility” and all frats, sheesh.
Disagrees with me = white fragility.
Respond to criticism and critique? Nah. The fact that anyone disagrees with me proves that I’m right.
Maybe next time you are getting robbed by someone using a weapon or injured in a car accident I hope you remember that the same brave police officers who you called racist and gun toting are going to be the ones protecting and saving your life. Remember that the deputies and ivfp deputies that patrol UCSB and iv are there to protect and serve, without them risking their lives in a firefight with E.R. In 2014, many more students and innocent bystanders may have been injured or killed. Next time you call a peace officer a racist person, think about… Read more »
“However, we know that rape happens on a weekly basis in the fraternities of Isla Vista, yet rarely are the perpetrators’ faces plastered around the school;”
Where on earth did you obtain this statistic? It’s disappointing that a journalist would fabricate “facts” in the sorry attempt to make a point. Like the untrue Rolling Stone article, this serves as a sad example of a serious decline of journalistic standards.
Completely agree. This columnist should publish a retraction. This fake statistic is slanderous. Any true journalist would attribute such a wild claim if it were even the least bit true.
Paymon, while denouncing racism and prejudice…
1. You stereotype the entire fraternity community as rich, white supremacists who encourage rape and sexual assault.
2. You stereotype the entire police institution as racists who only attend to the “ruling class.”
3. You stereotype the white student population as wealthy, privileged racists who mock other cultures.
Practice what you preach. YOU are perpetuating prejudice.
Speaks volumes that the author of this article was afraid to publish under their name while Jason Garshfield posts with no shame. You are so important, brave, educated, and supported.
Since when does Yik Yak have usernames?
Yet another fabrication to drive the columnist’s agenda…
people use the tagline as a username sometimes
I was like what? You can’t tell some ones race by Yik Yak
This is some racist bullshit. I’m so sorry you weren’t born in time to be part of a legitimate civil rights movement that actually meant something. People like you, who grow up without any real adversity, are toxic, because they use a victim complex to get what they want, at the expense of others. “Your rights end where my feelings begin”.
Do you really think that this is just about people with a victim complex? It’s almost like you’ve never experienced what it’s like to be raped by a fraternity member and blamed by the administration. Apparently, saying that you’re racist for rejecting the existence of true institutional racism on POC makes me racist. It’s interesting how you judge the writer’s “real adversity” when a privileged white man just recently wrote an article on how his Greek buddies receive the highest level of “institutional persecution and condemnation.”
“Do you really think that this is just about people with a victim complex?” No, I think this is about a first year gender studies major who just learned how to have a victim complex. “It’s almost like you’ve never experienced what it’s like to be raped by a fraternity member and blamed by the administration.” Got me there, buddy! You have a point though, we really oughtta string those crackers up and haul ’em from our trucks. “Apparently, saying that you’re racist for rejecting the existence of true institutional racism on POC makes me racist.” I don’t know what… Read more »
Absolutely there is some validity to this article. However, the author herself violates the principles she is arguing for by generalizing several groups of people in paragraph after paragraph of finger pointing. As a white male, I have never been raped by a fraternity member, and I have never suffered racism at the hands of the police or my peers. But I also have never raped or assaulted another human being, used any racial slurs, or treated another individual differently due to race. Instead, as a Greek, I worked 70-80 hours a week this summer to help pay for my… Read more »
You go white man! Keep explaining to her how she is wrong! Yeah, explain to a woman of color the type of activism she should do because YOU know what will be a effective as a white man.
Sometimes white men are right and women of color are wrong. If all you can do is claim that he can’t speak because of who he is rather than point out why he’s wrong, then maybe you should actually listen and consider what he has to say. You don’t have to agree, but you still might learn something.
I’m not an expert or anything but yea I’d say that placing people in boxes and criticizing the institutions that you want changed without providing a viable solution or alternative isn’t the best way to induce positive change.
Great article!!! Keep on doing what you do!
“The police are a white supremacist institution primarily concerned with protecting the property of the ruling class and producing brown and black bodies for the ever-expanding prison industrial complex.” Arthur, you’re a fucking idiot. I hope someone vandalizes your house and you have nobody to call in order to help you. You accuse the author of last article for sweeping generalizations, yet here you are stoking a fire to fuel your own twisted rhetoric and sense of victimization. You’re gonna love how the cops treat you pretty much anywhere else in the world, where institutional racism is far higher and… Read more »
I’m sorry, I meant to direct that towards the author Paymon. Sorry Arthur, you’re just the art guy.
Great job on writing this article!!! It’s so true~
As a software developer of 10+ years, I share the same concern for people choosing monetary gain over ethicacy. What happened to “don’t be evil” :\ On the same note, as a white person who was playing music shows in IV when I was a teen, I’ve seen far too much unacceptable behavior from fellow white people (and non whites, but this article is not directed at those instances). It is somewhat ironic that there is a target on “Greek Life” considering the decadence period and summarily, the fall of Rome (for the history majors out there, excuse my bland… Read more »
I can also see how this could be construed as ‘whitesplaining’. I hope it’s not though. I am trying to further the dialectic by discussion potential venues for remediation.
The civil rights movement happened because there was civil disobedience, because people were willing to go to jail, because there were events like Bloody Sunday, but it was also because the leadership of the movement consistently stayed open to the possibility of reconciliation and sought to understand the views, even views that were appalling to them, of the other side. I don’t want you to think that a display of your strength is simply shutting other people up. Part of your ability to bring about change is going to be by engagement and understanding the viewpoints and the arguments of… Read more »
i’m sure martin luther king learned a lot from all those pro-segregation people…
Uh yeah he did. How do you expect to change people’s perception and convince them that change is necessary if you don’t understand their beliefs? Do you think the only way to learn something is to accept it as truth?
This is actually a statement by Obama.
Half white. Doesn’t count.
We’ve got fingers in butts. Dicks in butts. Sucking down on farts… OUTRAGEOUS fun.
Really good article, thank you for saying what needed to be said. A lot of these responses make me ashamed to be going to the same school as these people and makese really happy I don’t participate in UCSB life.
So many of you seem to have this strategy where you search for a trigger-word or phrase and use it as an excuse to avoid engaging. Even worse, you’ll use someone’s identity as an excuse. If you’re right, you can convince people that you’re right. Stop being lazy.
If you can’t handle that, please don’t call yourselves “educated” when you graduate. You are not qualified to hold that title.
I am a white, male, pledge at a fraternity on campus, and I’m disgusted by the accusatory generalizations made in this article. I agree that there is a problem of sexual assault in greek life on campuses across the nation, including UCSB, as there are problems of sexual assault in non greek life. However, it is completely slanderous to make the claim that genuine rape, which is different from sexual assault, happens on a weekly basis at fraternities in Isla Vista, without backing it up with any facts. Yes, there are some creepy guys in fraternities here, and yes, sexual… Read more »