Susan Tully, the National Field Director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (F.A.I.R.), gave a presentation in Santa Barbara, California at the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort on Nov. 20, 2014 to discuss the negative consequences of lenient immigration reform. Ironically, the presentation and event was held one hour after President Obama’s televised speech on his executive actions regarding immigration.
A variety of conservative clubs such as the Santa Barbara (SB) Republican Women, SB Republican Club, SB Tea Party, SB Republican Assembly, SB Young Republicans and UCSB College Republicans hosted the free event. The objective was to educate the community on United States immigration policies and where our country will be in the near future, especially under the Obama administration.
During the presidential televised speech, Obama stated, “Most Americans support the types of reforms I’ve talked about tonight. But I understand the disagreements held by many of you at home.” Evidently, many citizens are extremely unhappy with Obama’s immigration reform.
Tully discusses Sacramento County Sheriff Scott R. Jones’ newly released video, which virtually “calls out” President Obama. “Only you are singularly responsible for the hands-off policy that exists within Homeland Security and its subsidiaries, including the Customs and Border Protection,” said Jones.
“Jones said he’s working on garnering support among local and national law enforcement agencies, as well as their constituents,” according to the Sacramento Bee. The notion that a sheriff is speaking out against President Obama ought to show Americans that the executive branch is not always correct in its actions. As a constitutional lawyer, President Obama knows what is and what is not lawful and the immigration reform proposed is absolute abuse of executive powers.
The harsh reality of what occurs due to the United States immigration policies is astonishing, and Tully illustrates in detail a major way illegal immigrants cross the border: drug cartels. Lenient immigration policies will only put more immigrants in danger.
Drug cartels have infiltrated the United States. In many trips, the cartels will smuggle children into America in exchange for thousands of dollars. On their journey, the drug cartels will often rape and beat the children, and then abandon them once they cross the border. Tully addresses this issue explicitly, and makes it clear that promoting lenient immigration policies will only encourage illegal immigrants to try to cross the border in such horrific ways with hopes of a better life.
Tully further highlights the number of illegal immigrants that are criminals, as well as how these illegal immigrants financially affect the United States.
According to F.A.I.R., the projected 2050 population in California is 70,146,000, which is nearly double what it is today. With this in mind, Tully explains how illegal immigrants hurt job opportunities for United States citizens. Before we continue to allow the United States population to increase, we ought to help American citizens find jobs and lower the unemployment rate.
“These people, our neighbors, our classmates, our friends, they did not come here in search of a free ride or an easy life. They came to work and study and serve in our military. And, above all, contribute to American success,” said Obama in his speech. Obama may be correct in this statement, and the notion that many illegal immigrants come to the United States to escape the horrible conditions of their home country may be true as well. Yet, Tully questions why the administration doesn’t address the ghettos in Los Angeles or Chicago and help our American citizens who are in need, rather than grant amnesty to illegal immigrants that came here by cheating the system. Humans that abided by United States immigration laws and came to this country legally must be taken care of before the government even thinks about helping illegal immigrants that took advantage of the United States immigration system.
Austin Yack thinks we need to fix our own problems before we try to fix other ones.
While Millions of Americans search desperately for a job, Emperor Obama has become an Imperialist himself, urged on by the fanatical La Raza zealots, who are demanding open borders and we now have a far worse situation–a divided nation. Americans should neither Trust the Liberal-Democrats or even the Republican career politicians, as both parties have an agenda that is governed by the corporate special interests that buy their loyalty. Doesn’t the US public understand that we are brought and sold by sordid lobbyists and even unions? The money that passes hands into either party is phenomenal and hidden through sly… Read more »
While Millions of Americans search desperately for a job, Emperor Obama has become an Imperialist himself, urged on by the fanatical La Raza zealots, who are demanding open borders and we now have a far worse situation–a divided nation. Americans should neither Trust the Liberal-Democrats or even the Republican career politicians, as both parties have an agenda that is governed by the corporate special interests that buy their loyalty. Doesn’t the US public understand that we are brought and sold by sordid lobbyists and even unions? The money that passes hands into either party is phenomenal and hidden through sly… Read more »
A Liberal Case Against Illegal Immigration:
We can solve this problem once and for all: invade Mexico and annex it. That would be supported by 95% of the people in Mexico. The only people who would be against it are the 5% who are ruining that country – the government officials, the drug cartels, and the 1% who have 99% of the wealth and control the economy. We need to stop pretending that these horrible countries can manage their own issues. They can’t. Mexico should be so much better off than it is given its natural resources and location and people’s work ethic, but it has… Read more »