To the students that reside in Isla Vista:
What makes UC Santa Barbara and Santa Barbara City College such incredible places to study is the synergy of receiving a world-class education, with world-class scenery, in the midst of a world-class social scene. We have relinquished many of the things that we treasured and have allowed for the constant infringement upon our various rights and the self-proclaimed “right to party.” But, there is a threshold. Do not forget the student activism that has taken place within this community over the course of its inception.
I, as the author of this letter, encourage Isla Vista Residents to remain steadfast in your commitment to express yourselves in however you deem sufficient, whilst upholding appropriate safety precautions that are needed to ensure the wellbeing of others. Furthermore, the “out-of-towners” that are negatively spoken of during conversations regarding Isla Vista are invited by us into our community. Because of this, we need to exercise greater influence on who we solicit to come to I.V. or at the very least, what we allow them to do while they are here. They will eventually leave, but it is the Isla Vista community that ultimately pays the price for their actions, largely by way of the police exercising militant force.
Deltopia does not have an official day (unlike Halloween); it is not set in stone. Because of this, students should think of creative ways to out-maneuver law enforcement in this game of cat and mouse. If Deltopia gets ruined this weekend then have it again the following weekend, or better yet, have Floatopia. I assure you, the urge to rage will long outlast the budget of Santa Barbara to keep sending in large numbers of police. It should be noted that 85 percent of complaints received about noise, music and disturbing the peace are called in by law enforcement themselves, in order to “justify” the dissolution of social gatherings in Isla Vista.
They treat the UC students as if they didn’t have to work hard to get here, and they treat the CC students like they’ll never amount to anything of substance. Contrarily, SBCC and UCSB are beacons of the educational process in their own respects. We work very hard and deserve the freedom to relieve stress in a celebratory manner with likeminded individuals. COME ON I.V.! We pay tens of thousands of dollars to sit in overcrowded classrooms, pay overpriced rent, get harassed by law enforcement and have the various administrations and authoritative bodies bully and patronize us. Do not let this community turn into a police state. They can do only to us what we let them do.
To the Administrations of UCSB and SBCC, Isla Vista Foot Patrol and all other entities invested in the suppression of social gatherings within Isla Vista:
I am pleading with you, as the author of this letter, to not underestimate the efficacy and resolve of the 20-30 thousand students residing in Isla Vista. Everyone agrees that we would like Isla Vista to be safe. However, we will not allow it to be a pyrrhic victory. When UCSB and SBCC want to coax us into acquiescing to their interests then they leverage every resource and network to reach us. Yet, when there are meetings, votes and changes to the laws that govern our day to day lives, we are kept in the dark and silenced.
The young adults that live in Isla Vista do not wish to be governed in a way that lightly channels neo-fascism. We have some of the brightest minds in the country within our zip code, why not try to work with us rather than against us? After the burning down of Embarcadero Hall (formerly known as Bank of America), thousands of incidents of police brutality and the tensions between residents and enforcers, you should welcome the idea. Holding open office hours (IVPD) only works for people who have an ideology that is in line with that of the policing authority in I.V. Dissenters have been arrested, brutally beaten and even slaughtered (R.I.P. Kevin Moran). So I’m certain you understand our reluctance to trust you, although we would like to. There should be greater dialogue between those that would like to take away the social aspect of Isla Vista altogether and those that wish to preserve it. Deltopia is more than just college kids partying; Deltopia is ONE DAY that signifies the final stretch of a hard years work through the expression of dance and the amplification of community. Imposing stricter noise ordinances to virtually not allow any music is very heavy handed.
The I.V. community should not resent the presence of law enforcement, however, we are left with no choice. College, in an abstract sense, is supposed to support the varied manifestations of expression, not the preclusion of it. We would gladly like to work with the enforcement arms of the UC System, such as IVFP and UCPD to establish some middle ground with regards to Deltopia, Halloween and the social scene in its entirety. We are entitled to seats at the table, especially when the discussions directly affect us. Yet, it would seem that you are more invested in the abuse of college kids in the name of safety, than working with us educated students on effective safety measures that we do not have to side step.
This is a letter not only in defense of Deltopia, but also in the defense of preserving a social scene that has evolved over the years. This is a letter encouraging students to critically think about what they are willing to relinquish and what they are willing to fight for. Partying may be the focus of this letter at its face, but partying is not the focus of this letter in terms of its content. Think of what we pay, what we receive and what we are entitled to. Likewise, to those lobbied against the students, you should definitively decide how much animosity, brutality and prejudice you are going to harbor and exert on the students who call this place home.
This is an open letter from an author named “Isla Vista.”
“I assure you, as the author of this letter,…” wow, don’t get too authoritative there, Anonymous… I used to live in Isla Vista. It hasn’t changed that much. It didn’t seem like a big deal when I lived there, but now looking back on it, it’s a little out of control. I’m not a big believer that the police need to save us, but this “open letter” is a lame defense.
best argument ever – “because I said so”
America’s brightest minds, eh? lol
Spoiled liberal brat, get AIDS and die.
One day in Navy Seal training and this weasel would be laying in the bottom of the pacific.
but then, 2/3 or more of those invited to come wash out at some point. and I’m sure you breezed through it, shot Osama and picked up 8 purple hearts and 6 silver stars with a blindfold on, just to make it a fair fight, eh tiger?
As long as we are making stuff up like you leftists love to do, you could say anything you want, nobody is holding you accountable. There are five weeks of indoctrination before the six months of BUD/S starts. This little sissy wouldn’t even pass the test to get into BUD/S in the first place. The ignorance of you college brainwashed Marxist sheep is astonishing, kitty cat.
Let’s not forget the anonymity of this letter before we start casting stones. I’ve my own bias towards this supposed left leaning academic institution, but as a non-traditional (older) student attending a top 25 public university I should state that most all of my preconceived notions about college students and academia in general have been proven incorrect, ignorant in fact as is the case with many of my preconceived notions. Furthermore I would argue that many posters are above the average age of those attending college, thus may have forgotten what’s it’s like to be a young idealistic kid. I… Read more »
Take all the police force out of IV for a month & see how out of control it gets…give everyone the number to this letters author to call when help is needed. I’m sure he/she can solve all the issues that cone up.
Let it gooooo. Another multiculturalism failure.
Exactly. You nailed it
As a UC Santa Barbara student or faculty member, I would be pretty embarrassed by this “open letter”. I hope this doesn’t represent the view of the majority of students. IV is the biggest dump. It’s not even in Santa Barbara. It’s in Goleta. The streets of IV are trashed and the vast majority of the kids living there, have very little respect for the community. They party while they live there, trash the apartment buildings, and then move on. Many of these kids leave when they graduate or can no longer afford their lazy lifestyles. UC Santa Barbara has… Read more »
I didn’t know Goleta had anything to do with it. Isla Vista is an unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County and has always been policed by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff. Who in the past (long ago) had quite the affinity for cracking heads. It was quite a scandal. And this was over a war, not your right to party. But that aside, I haven’t seen IV in 25 years, I can’t imagine how run down it is now. It was pretty bad then.
Has anyone on this thread ever heard of Pope’s Law? I have the feeling the author of this letter tried to use sarcasm, thinking everyone would realize it’s over the top, and failed because there are simply too many mindless robots out there who actually think stuff like this!
I think he’s as serious as he knows how to be. I lived in IV during late 70s & early 80s, then commonly known as Babylon or Maggot Acres. The Foot Patrol was then seen as a big improvement in integrating law enforcement without harassment. It really meant no booze on the street, and if you’re smoking a joint be discrete. That was it. And we enjoyed good times until the whole Holloween thing got out of control with 1/2 of LA driving up for the Bacchanalia. You kids crapped in your own nest.
Poe’s Law? Dumbass.
Your sentence is not an interrogative sentence dumbass.
White Devils!
You gotta fight, for your right, to party!
(Grow up kid. The Beastie Boys beat you to it 30 years ago)
The writer states: “The young adults that live in Isla Vista do not wish to be governed in a way that lightly channels neo-fascism. We have some of the brightest minds in the country within our zip code, why not try to work with us rather than against us”. Unfortunately the writer’s misuse of the there term “neo-fascism” as an epithet discloses the vacuous intents and thoughts that underlie the multiple rhetorical fallacies presented in the stated in the open letter “proposition” As Eliezer Yudkowsky stated “You cannot ‘rationalize’ what is not rational to begin with – as if lying… Read more »
I agree with what you said, but it’s a long standing habit in debates to explain why someone is incorrect, not simply that they are. Perhaps you’d be willing to explain to the viewing audience how “neo-fascism” was misused here.
Uh, because it’s not “Fascism” you dipshit. Fascism is a type of totalitarianism that started in Europe, and it has nothing to do with police. If you think a couple of douchebag partiers that get violent, and then get the shit beat out of them is fascism, then simply put, you’re an idiot.
For your reference, cause I know you don’t read:
“Fascism” is a tool of the far-left (as is Nazism).
It centers around ownership or control of the means of production.
(CNN) — A street party turned into a violent melee that injured six police officers in a California beach community Saturday night. About 15,000 people — many of them students from nearby University of California, Santa Barbara — crowded the streets of Isla Vista for the annual “Deltopia” celebration when “a major disturbance broke out,” according to a news release from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office. It turned ugly when a UCSB police officer was “hit in the head with a backpack that contained large bottles of alcohol,” causing a “significant head injury,” the release said. A large crowd… Read more »
Looking up the stats for Fall 2013 admission from
39% admission rate and SAT scores of 620, 659, 636 or ACT 28 is by not “elite” or “hard to get into”
It makes you wonder about the high schools there when an average of 28 on the ACT and 1295 on the traditional SAT comes from students who averaged better than straight A’s (4.01 GPA).
To the author….sorry dude, you’re just another dumb fuck that thinks he matters because you belong to some frat. When you graduate, you will quickly discover who much it doesn’t matter.
This is a poorly written commentary that illustrates what we Californians are getting for our subsidized education.
The grammar is poor, the argument is worse, and the proposed solution nets the public nothing. Close them down.
Some of the most spoiled brats at any university in CA. And tell your girlfriend it is neither cute or funny or sexy to be drunk in the back bedroom wrapped in just a sheet while guys wait their turn.
Really. Been there and seen it. Grow up.
The author wrote: “…some of the brightest minds in the country within our zipcode…” Too funny! My bet is this “author” works at the paper. Obviously Deltopia = Self-infatuated, self-congratulated, self-consumed, self-appointed, self-absorbed, self-centered and self-serving.
I haven’t seen proof of a bright mind from reading the letter. Do they even teach critical thinking at that place?
California is the prime example of how diversification is an absolute failure. This letter in this article is the prime example of how absolutely rubbish California education has become.
Totally, college kids getting rowdy is proof of all of your political machinations. Prior to Obama and minorities, we know colleges were bastions of purity with no diversity. How do you link the “failure of diversification” to this party, unless you were already convinced about the evil of diversity?
Yes, diversity for all. Press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish, press 3 for Cantonese, press 4 for French, press 5 for German, press 6 for Swahili, and on and on it goes.
The education this moron received is working as planned.
The goal was not to create enlightened productive citizens.
The goal was to create educated derelicts!
And they have definitely succeeded.
Have a nice day…
“Whilst” is not American English. When used by an American writer, it is a sign of affectation and pretentiousness.
To the contrary, it seems that we Americans enjoy butchering our mother tongue to the point where it begins to hardly resemble itself. As an example, I point to the term “Gay”. It’s only been within the past 20-30 years that we’ve ignorantly decided to use it in reference to one’s sexuality as opposed to a mood. Certainly, our slang words differ between England and the United States of America, but standard phrasing should never differ beyond superficiality of spelling. Although “Whilst” may not remain as common in American usage as it once did, it is still a perfectly proper… Read more »
Tea Party folks don’t take kindly to things that aren’t un-American…unless it’s Putin of course.
Oh, please. you just had to bash the TEA Party. Made you feel better, I suppose. Oh well. Remember, the Democratic Party is the Party of the KKK.
Next come comments about Obama. The drudge robots are coming.
You misspelled that, it should be “0bama”.
Often abbreviated as 0.
LOL! Auto-censorship seems to have replaced the character ‘zero’ with a lower-case ‘O’.
Obama is a zero, baby.
Liberals don’t take to folks who disagree with them. Diversity means everybody having the same view.
What a fruitcake . . . is that gay enough?
The author of this piece is a poor writer and a spoiled brat who hasn’t lived life yet.
And he’s reading too much British press. Whilst is not American English.
I think this sums it up, “Think of what we pay, what we receive and what we are entitled to.”
They are entitled to disturb the peace for their own selfish selves.
A nicely written letter. Yet the individual is still made ignorant by their selfish complaint.
A future secret service member. The civil right to Fight for your right to party???? Fast forward twenty years jack ass and you’ll be the first person calling the cops to break up this crap when your kids are awaken up at two in the morning by said college students date raping their coed escorts.
Idiots answering other idiots.
I wonder how obvious it’s going to be to people by the morning that this story was picked up by Drudge.
Such and eloquent letter, such a rambling piece of garbage. You are transients the rotate in and out every 4 years. The “people” who live there are the ones who pay taxes and give back to the community rather than cause problems. In a few years, you too will go back and live with mommy and daddy and stay on their healthcare while living in their basement. Your lack of good judgment and responsibility will catch up to you as you approach 30 and realize that had you been serious during what were supposed to be your learning years, you… Read more »
Your response is excellent and spot on. Somehow, someway Darwinism will catch up with the author.
” You are transients the rotate in and out every 4 years. The “people” who live there are the ones who pay taxes and give back to the community rather than cause problems. In a few years, you too will go back and live with mommy and daddy and stay on their healthcare while living in their basement.”
Karma will see these entitlement brats watching the years go by as unemployables under Mommy’s care while those who directed their energies to studying go on to get jobs and have real lives.
“The urge to rage?” What the hell…
Are these second graders wanting another recess?
Summary: Rioters deserve to riot when rioters think they deserve to riot because rioters wouldn’t riot unless rioters had to riot.
They’re such a riot !
Have you ever read a more moronic letter?
A shining example of the product of today’s higher ‘education’.
Was this letter written by a high school freshman?
Has education really been reduced to this? “World Class” stupidity.
Mommy and Daddy need to stop sending checks if this is what it pays for.
It appears the DrudgeReport scourge have crawled out of their trailer parks.
So, the guy defending drunken street partying, quarreling with police, and all that comes with their UCSB Girls Gone Wild – culture is calling us trailer trash? Put on your Obama t-shirt and tell us more. I’m sure it gives you intellectual superpowers.
Thank you for being honest and not denying what you are and who sent you here.
You could have also typed “Haliburton” or “It’s W’s Fault” as we are all familiar with the left’s talking points.
And I’d stand the average education and lifestyle of the drudge reader up to the UCSB crowd, not mommies and daddies mind you, any day.
“It appears the DrudgeReport scourge have crawled out of their trailer parks.”
Unlike these spoiled punks posing as college students, at least some trailer park residents have jobs.
“…some of the brightest minds in the country in our zip code….”
Yeah, right. What a bunch of coddled little babies. Grow up, child.
I’m so proud of these students. They work hard and deserve every bit of recreation and stress release that they can get. Shame on the city residents for complaining. They should be much more sensitive to the stress of being a student. Hopefully the residents will realize how fortunate they are that these students have chosen to attend their university.
I hope you realize that the residence are almost exclusively college students and professors.
Please provide the school (or your local college) with your home address so you can provide these ‘poor’ students a place where they can ‘unwind’ without any repercussions.
Alas, you will not be allowed to file charges or complain for any damages or missing property afterwards.
My, my, my. Just look at all the hateful comments. I bet every person on here complaining about this event were once party animals at their college and have forgotten how much destruction they brought to the community around them.
Mr. Johnson, we partied massively at Kent State University in the 80’s and caused zero (0) damage. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. We had a blast, drank a ton of booze, many did all kinds of wild drugs and yet we never destroyed anything. A little overblown impression of one’s own self-worth and station. Millions of college kids party every year without destroying an ounce of property — or even involving the police. C’mon man. Step into the real world.
What I noticed concerning the “Open Letter” is the word “Entitled”; that says it all.
Actually, my mother had a stroke in her 50’s so I had to drop out of college to support my family. I went back after I was married and had children. You get really serious about school when you’re an adult and have to pay for it yourself. I’m not against having fun. However, when “fun” means drinking to the point of possible alcohol poisoning and bringing destruction to the neighborhood, you might need to rethink your priorities.
You’d lose that bet. All in all, from Freshman year through doctoral work, I spend 13 years in college. No damage to property, other persons or the communities that were nice enough to support the universities I attended. They were nice to us and I responded by behaving in an adult manner. “Right to party” indeed!
Written by a child, sounding like a child, for childish purposes.
Yup….. Haven’t read mental masturbation clap trap like this in years….
Nice ad hominem… but that’s all that it is. You bring nothing to the discussion. I am on board with this student’s thoughts & ideas, even if his English Comp instructor failed to stress the importance of being concise. For context, I am a middle aged white male conservative who paid for his own college and owns and operates a small business.
Bull-Oney. You might be middleaged, but you are not a conservative.
Yup boston, Tea Party conservative. Stick that in your pipe & smoke it.
I bet you’d be singing a different tune Johnny Boy if these poor misunderstood CoEds had trashed your business while blowing off a little steam?
Whoever wrote this is a dolt. A half-baked moron.
“Think of what we pay, what we receive and what we are entitled to.”
You aren’t entitled to flaccid thinking and poor grammar.
A serial comma is not a requirement, it is stylistic preference.
How about ending a sentence with a preposition?
The diatribe sounds like it was written by a petulant child educated by public school teachers in the latest in ‘self-esteem’ Common Core nonsense. Good luck getting a job with that writing style and attitude, buddy.
Another self indulgent self centered child in the great womb of the university thinking he/she knows all about life and how to live it. Your time is coming little one and when it get here remember this day. Time wounds all heels and your times is not far away.
Being a college student is not a stressful time of one’s life.
Stress is relative.
The “stress” is figuring out how to fit in all the goofing off among school work.
Wait until you graduate and have real responsibility, then you’ll begin to understand stress.
Wait until all the student loan bills come due and he can’t find a job outside of flipping burgers. He’ll soon learn what stress is.
At least who flip burgers are gainfully employed and have a work ethic.
With freedoms comes responsibility. This author does not understand this fact.
Yeah, O.K. Otter, put down the Captain Morgan and return the thesaurus to the asian kid. Your little letter here reminds me of a scene in Animal House. Unfortunately, that scene was meant as classic example of dim-witted, adolescent sophistry. What’s your excuse? Otter: Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests – we did. [winks at Dean Wormer] Otter: But you can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do,… Read more »
Made my morning – touche!
I wanted to start humming the Star Spangled Banner.
Brilliant. The thesaurus part is spot on.
Damn, somebody else is using my handle… and doing a damn good job with it… My work is done here, please carry on, you’re doing fine.
Dear Anonymous, if you want to preserve your “right to party” and the social scene it is pretty easy. Don’t act like a bunch of jerks. Going out and destroying other’s property or making them feel threatened doesn’t endear you to anyone or garner you support. You students need to get your collective heads out of your backsides and have some class and dignity even when partying. Then, maybe, you will earn some respect that you seem to think you don’t get. As it stands, your letter attempts to pass blame for student behavior on the police and the schools… Read more »
Holy smokes, UCSB accepts illiterates. Scratch that off my list.
Anyone who uses the word “synergy” beyond the motivational-speaker-buzzword context is automatically disqualified from being taken seriously.
You must think deeply. Think of the ‘history’ occurring during ‘inception’
“UC Santa Barbara and Santa Barbara City College such incredible places to study is…a world-class education…”
World Class? LOL! 4th and 5th tier schools at best. And cowardly little a-holes as well.
That was one of my first thoughts. Bravo to the faculty at either or both of these schools for convincing the student body that anything about the acedemics they offer is other than “Suburban Los Angels Class”.
Dear Anonymous,
If you really had the courage of your convictions, you would have stood up and signed this pile of garbage.
For the sake of the subject generation, I sincerely hope that ‘Anonymous’ penned his swill on April 1st, thus making it a rather droll attempt at a Fools Day joke. If not, the linking of his drivel by the DrudgeReport has exposed his idiocy to the world….
“Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son” Dean Wormer, Animal House, 1978
The real joke here is not the letter, though it is amusing at times. It is clearly meant as sarcasm, to me anyway. “…infringement on our……’right to party'”?
The real joke is that the student newspaper felt it important enough to publish it.
I’m surprised the last line wasn’t “It’s your right to be fat, drunk and stupid if you so choose”
A brilliant letter form another progressive wart on the axx of human progress. I wonder how “right to rage” will play when you have to move in with mommy and daddy.
World class education, world class scenery — now I know why Einstein moved to I.V.
This is how you justify mob activity. Party sure, you cross the line your going to jail. Now just how does that conviction look on your background check for your first real job. The “man” will be more than happy to pitch your resume into the thousands of other unqualified idiots.
It was true yesterday, it is true today, it will be true tomorrow; you can’t teach STUPID.
“you can’t teach STUPID.” Apparently you can. Nobody reaches this level of stupidity naturally.
“Oh the world owes me a livin'” ……..
Students in Ukraine take to the streets for democracy and freedom
Students in Egypt take to the streets for democracy and freedom
Students in the U.S. take to the streets for beer and entitlements.
What a bunch of cowards.
After reading this letter, I realize that the word “sophomoric” was not coined without good reason.
As an English major many moons ago, and as someone who currently writes for a living, I must say this is the worst piece of utter sophomoric drivel I’ve read in years – perhaps ever. As a parent, I must say the author is a prime example of someone with stunted emotional and cognitive growth, likely as a result of helicopter parenting and not being allowed to understand the consequences of his/her own failures. As a taxpaying citizen of a college town similar to IV, I say please find this ignorant twatwaffle and kick his/her arrogant, self-aggrandizing, taxpayer-sucking ass into… Read more »
Priceless response – LMAO!!!
Amen, brother! Very well written unlike the drivel that prompted your reply.
twat-waffle…I am so stealing that!
I’d hire you to write!
Well said, Alfred!
Blithering idiot whose understanding of rights and responsibilities were taught to him/her from childhood by the Socialist/Progressive/Communist faculty of government indoctrination centers. Shame is a lost and much missed emotion.
Children and irresponsible “young adults” such as the letter’s author, have no perspective on the consequences of their actions within the larger context of regional social conditions. This is due to their lack of experience with unsheltered life and a paucity of lessons learned from their behavior. Thus, their inclination is to let their wild emotions urge imprudent acts that run unrestrained in the present, ignorant of the debris they leave in their wake for the public to cleanup once they have moved on to act out with the next surge of irrational emotional energy. Clear-headed parents and other adults… Read more »
“Whilst?” Who is this little pimple trying to sound so intelligent? LOL What an idiot. It’s a shame he didn’t take an English grammar course at some point WHILST in college; he could have used one. Dope…
And these are the kind of morons that populate our universities today! No wonder America is in such trouble with hordes of young people who’d rather stay home, party and collect from Obama and the Federal government than prepare for a real job and go to work. And it starts with the indoctrination of liberal crap at the faculty level that passes on to the brains of these young people like mush! And they don’t even have the ability to conduct independent, informed and fact-based research to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. Instead they march like little… Read more »
You show your true colors Gomer when you turn a discussion into a righty lefty rant. As if this kind of stuff hasn’t happened an campuses of all types forever.
Unless you really think all college students are liberals..which then again that may be true because I know education and right wingers are like oil and water.
Go read your bible and STFU
my gosh that letter while interesting is wrong in the sense they are profiling which is racist and illegal. the government through tsa does not do this they check every one whether it’s grandma or a 2 year old. whats worse they learn at a liberal arts type school which whines when other people do it
and you think we care for what reason?
he/she/it may have written this article to get the reaction that he/she/it has gotten. oh wait don’t think they could have thought it thru? that far.
i am sry maybe i was a bit to brash
What a self-centered moron. The only place you have the right to express yourself in whatever manner you choose is in the privacy of your home. In every other place, you have to follow the rules of law and the unwritten rules of society. If you don’t understand that, then your college education was a waste of money because you confuse facts with wishes. Go back and live in your mom’s basement until you grow up and understand there are consequences to your actions in public places.
Not to mention the rules of grammar. As a retired college professor, I would have flunked this kid for his substandard writing skills and misuse of words. He should use the time he spends “raging” to visit a writing lab.
Thank you, smorbie. I’m often appalled at he quality of writing I see from college kids. Don’t admissions officers read the essays?
National Lampoon couldn’t have done it better
Like,…they’ve worked so hard to like, break laws and like party hardy, so they like found the most profound and awesome dude to write this and like really blow them away with our collective activism…oh my gosh! So kewl! Rage! Yeah!
And to think parents are actually paying for this child’s “education”. I say “child” because this self absorbed, childish article speaks for it self.
RE: Your closing paragraph. Your effort to promote critical thinking is laudable. Let’s take a moment and consider it. You want students (yourself included)to determine what they can live with and what they are willing to relinquish. You have created a battle field of your choosing by violating the Constitutional requirement for the government to provide for the general welfare of its citizens, destroying public property, burning public buildings, and threatening the lives of others. Why not present Kevin Moran as an example of your “critical thinking?” He made the choice you recommend and it was the wrong one. Thinking… Read more »
The sheer hubris of this “open letter” is disturbing to say the least. It is disheartening that this “I-am-so-much-smarter-and-entitled-to-special-rights-like-hurting-others-to-relieve-my-stress” attitude is being taught in these schools of “higher learning”. High is right! High on drugs, alcohol, and self importance.
I never went to college. My education was mediocre, but I was raised to have a much deeper respect for others, society in general, and myself. Intelligence without wisdom is the dregs of idiocy.
In other words Tish, you were that perfect little robot doing exactly what you were told. You sound more like a slave suffering from Stockholm Syndrome that an open minded American.
No you tool – the author believes like you that you are entitled to something just because you are alive – You sound like a self absorbed child crying for more attention
And, you sound like some liberal who expects a free ride at others’ expense as long as you can have some “fun.”
Christ you are one pretentious little waste of oxygen aren’t you? Please switch your major from philosophy or sociology to something useful so we don’t have to pay for your welfare down the road.
I am absolutely stunned by the negative comments to that letter. Didn’t any of you morons go to college? If so, did you forget what it was like, or were all of you nice little robots always doing exactly what you were told ! I believe that letter was well stated and cogent. Students are not Non-People, just because they are going to school and are young. Young people are at the height of their testosterone fueled lives just when they are facing some of the greatest stresses they will encounter while striving to become those perfect little cogs in… Read more »
This one comment from the author sums up why those commenting on this board are against what you stand for “Think of what we pay, what we receive and what we are entitled to”. You are entitled to nothing in life as the rest of us. Your kind feels as though that society owes you something for being born and trust me not only do we not owe you a thing, apparently, right now, we would be better off without you. Yes the older generation went to college and partied, but there consequences for acting foolish and disrupting others –… Read more »
Not for anything Rump…but there is a line that gets crossed. Yes we all did dopey things when we were young and in college..but when it turns destructive the that is a another level that just delves into stupidity. In college I got stinking drunk.. smoked weed.. partied etc etc..but I never felt the need to throw bricks at cars.. shake stop signs uncontrollably, stand on top of cars… and then somehow stand there and try to explain it off on just kids being kids. Yes sometimes things get out of hand on both sides..but you also have to own… Read more »
College is not a playground or a recess yard. Supposedly, those attending are ADULTS. No, I did not forget what college was lie. As I recall, it was to learn something, not riot in the streets. I have zero sympathy for those arrested; they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and, perhaps, UCSB should be held liable for the acts of their students so that they might control them better. Further, any student who was involved who might be on ANY sort of financial aid, should have their aid revoked. This behavior is intolerable and something… Read more »
Ah, yes…the “everybody else does it” defense. Believe it or not, there are many of us who graduated from college without rioting.
Dear Rumpled
See above Fred Potter
Kent State? Really? You really want to equate a group of kids doing body shots and puking in the streets to Kent State?
And further, the “young people” don’t have any standing to demand anything of society. Rather, society demands that they comport themselves with dignity and respect the rights of the taxpayers of the community.
You lefties are always so concerned with “rights” until they’re someone else’s- then yours are the only rights worth discussing.
Get a job, Rumple, then invest in the community with a home and family, and you’ll understand, maybe.
A most appropriate name for someone who needs to wake up.
P.S. Brevity is the soul of wit.
This article was linked to Drudge. The trolls are out in force.
Troll: “Anyone who disagrees with me.”
Sun-light is a great disinfectant. Some students prefer the darkness… don’t they?
“Kent State was exactly how far this war can go when the conservative side of American life fail to understand the needs and intellectual aspirations of the young.”
Wow get over yourself you useless liberal twat, you’re not protesting an immoral war.
Kent State was engineered by the student-protest leaders. They actively provoked the situation for several days with that outcome in mind. The National Guardsmen were scared 19-year olds.
Students can be such sanctimonious dupes…
What makes your particular brand of testosterone fuel fun different than all those generations that preceded yours? I went to college in the early eighties..we didn’t need to do this. We drank and screwed, but if we broke laws or destroyed property, the last thing we would do is claim with a a straight face that we earned the right to do those things. You freaks do and seeing as WE HAVE walked in your shoes we’re calling b.s…there ya go, have a super duper scholastic day.
lol well stated and cogent? Well, I guess that is a matter of perspective. If you are a privileged, arrogant, child….yeah, sure. Otherwise, this article is an absolute embarrassment. I remember clearly the stupid shit I did at that age, but never was I as much of an asshole to think, much less say in public, that I was being oppressed because my “right” to party was being infringed upon. GTFO!
Well, I know now never to hire anyone from UCSB.
This letter from IV is gobbledygook. If it represents the results of the education the students are getting then I say close the schools down, fire the instructors, and try to help these kids get a life.
I do not want these kids running my country.
I’d suggest Welding..but that requires common sense, coordination, and the ability to finish what you start.
Don’t worry, they don’t need your help.
Dear students,
As a taxpayer and parent I think I speak for most when expressing the desire that you quit all this stupid garbage and do what you were sent there to do…study, graduate, get a good job (although Obama is doing his utmost to make that impossible), and became a productive member of the society.
Couldn’t resist throwing an Obamanism in there could you righty?
Mighty sensitive aren’t you lefty?
given the times and the brutal fact of unemployment and hardly any prospects for decent post college jobs, I think Larry said it correctly.
Couldn’t resist trying to refute reality, could you Proggie?
Some people call it as they see it. Wassamatta, you upset that the vast majority in this country has finally recognized Obama as the affirmative action entitlement brat and fellow traveler of the Deltopia douchebags that he truly is?
The assertion of the “right to party” is on its face an absurdity and a clue to the narcissism of the producers of this letter of self-acclaimed superiority of intellect and purpose. You have the privilege of abandonment of respect and participation in the civil society granted you by the tolerance of your equals, but that has limits that the affected bystander public has the duty to enforce.
the word “entitlement” said it all for me. As one who went thru the fun times and hard work of college, never once did I feel I was “entitled” to anything. I considered myself extremely fortunate to be there and not working in a factory back in my hometown like my brother. I don’t believe any of my friends felt that entitlement either. Sad the kids these days think they should be entitled to anything for when they hit the real world, I hope the real world hits them hard.
The “right” to party????
And I, as a hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company, also have the “right” to not hire you – once you decide to declare a major and graduate.
Happpy trails in your job-hunting.
Dear Rumpled:
Let us know how you feel after you have worked hard to own something even if it’s a little car and then someone younger than you comes along and sets it on fire because they don’t like your taste. After all, they should be free to express themselves. I’m guessing you’d be the first to call the cops and your insurance company. Lol.
And here I thought it was about education. Who is paying the tuition? Some of us worked to pay off tuition while in college.
I note the bravery of the original author to stand behind his words.
Oh, wait, it’s signed, “Anonymous.”
Never mind…
What a coward! “Anon” is yet another immature entitlist who doesn’t
have the courage to sign a letter. What a superior and brave intellect! Oh! If I made you cry its OK…I’m sure mommy and daddy will buy you something nice that you may then disparage and burn to the ground.
“We have some of the brightest minds in the country within our zip code”
Yeah sure you do. And you proved it with that riot you snot nosed pukes.
Don’t be a jerk. It’s a start.
This is what passes for intellectual debate at UCSB.
The “feminist” professor was charged with assault, but I’m pretty sure still works at UCSB. At UCSB, “diversity” means goose stepping to the party line.
I guarantee you that at every school with a “pick your ethnicity” studies dept or other junk major such as feminist studies, will have someone like the UCSB professor that took away the Pro life activist’s poster (note not a UCSB student). There is no way to defend that professor and her actions, as a person all in favor of rights, only when others’ rights to speech and expression coincide with her own beliefs. But most students, recognize that a junk degree like that will get them nowhere in life. Only the most committed zealot will major in those junk… Read more »
“Think of what we pay, what we receive and what we are entitled to.”
Seriously this just goes to show the entire world how unbelievably arrogant and selfish liberal millennials are.
After the recent riots following the spring break event called Deltopia, I find this letter written in defense of hedonism quite captivating. I also find it interesting how moralistic the writer is, though where these ‘morals’ come from at all is the real elephant-in-the-room for me. This is also my first encounter with the word Deltopia. Its clearly a fusion of Latin/Greek. De- meaning to take away from, or remove. Topia- meaning a place of. So assuming the originators of said event know the nature of their own coined name, and taking into account the rampant debauchery taking place there,… Read more »
@Timothy — You may be overthinking this.
Well written for a 6th year Philosophy major.
vr, Xei
Our country is so utterly and completely screwed. Reading this moron’s letter, right after reading about how Jeb Bush might run for President, is really too much to bear. I think I’m going to leave the country.
I do like the “Flotopia” concept though. Leaves the door open for “Torpedia”.
Och, the poor wee bairns, laboring so in the hot, painful, physically exhausting halls of academia! How they suffer living in one of the wealthiest communities in America! How brave they are to endure (with such stoicism) one of the best climates in the world. How the labor to pay the annual in-state tuition of about $14K/yr. Pity them, the poor, poor oppressed spirits! With a written tantrum like this letter, the author probably just lowered the market value of a UCSB graduate by a good $10,000/yr. (And yes, children, I did go to college, and in fact hold a… Read more »
Which one? Cal? Cal has been resting on it’s laurels for decades. Davis? Graduating people with no personality daily. Irvine, Riverside, please, don’t make me gag.
There is more to life than academics, having a personallity will get you very far in life, and UCSB students have way more personallity than other UC students. That is something that simply can’t be taught in the classroom, it comes from having a vibrant social scene like Isla Vista does.
Thank you for proving, with each post, exactly what kind of student an employer might expect to hire from UCSB.
Or maybe work for a someone that went to USC, a traditional top ten party school, Where fraternities hold parties that are straight from the days of Caligula and ancient Rome complete with vomitorium. All on daddy’s dime. Someone that forgot how he/she spent much of their academic career at USC in an alcoholic stupor, only saved by the tests on file at the frat, that somehow show up with all the same questions. Yeah, I went to UCSB, and I went to graduate school and am at the top of my field. And yes, I saw far worse drunken… Read more »
This “world-class social scene” apparently involves multiple stabbings, fistfights, public urination and vomiting, lighting old mattresses on fire, littering, vandalism, larceny, assaulting emergency workers with bottles and bricks, alcohol poisoning, and sexual harassment.
Employers and parents take note.
Yup, and we still go to a school that most of you couldn’t even get accepted to, and take classes and course loads that would be beyond your average State school student. Our ability to graduate one of the best colleges in the nation while partying as hard is something we are proud of. Someday, you or one of your children will likely be working for a UCSB grad, it rarely goes the other way. All my UCSB graduate friends are at the top of the economic ladder within their field.
“Our ability to graduate one of the best colleges in the nation while partying as hard is something we are proud of.” Nice grammar. FAIL!
You really shouldn’t make such foolish assumptions. My current and former firms don’t even bother to interview UCSB grads, let alone hire them.
I suppose your hires went to USC, just like you did. I suppose you never went to a frat party and puked your guts out with your frat brothers. Or got some girl from the sister sorority too drunk and she took on the whole frat house.
Did you know USC traditionally makes the list of top ten party schools while UCSB is not found on that list of “excellence” in partying.
Or could it be UCSB or any state university is .. not a private university where the “right kind” of people go.
Don’t worry, you’re still better thought of than UCSC grads…. but only barely at this point…
Absolutely, we hire from USC, as well as UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, the Ivies, and many other first tier national universities. The admissions criteria at USC are far more selective than at UCSB. USC’s undergrad weighted GPA is over 4.0, and SAT scores run 100-120 points higher on each portion of the test than those of UCSB students. Only a small portion of USC’s undergraduate population is involved in the Greek system, and it’s easy to weed them out. For professional employment, the “right kind” of people are smart, skilled, driven to learn, willing to work hard, polite, respectful, and… Read more »
Brian, Your arrogance and ignorance is stunning – you must be a recent grad. Fools who think that their fancy college makes them somehow exempted from behaving like an adult instead of an animal – that you think your association to a big college should give pass to horrific behavior. Lastly that there are millions of college students who study hard and obey the law, I find your excusing lawless “partying” behavior is beyond contempt. You, the author of this piece (of garbage) and other like-minded and (my bet) “liberal” students are begging for a fall and I my only… Read more »
It doesn’t matter if you are brilliant if you can’t figure out “right from wrong”. A lot of “suits” are morally bankrupt.
“Our ability to graduate one of the best colleges in the nation”??? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Whatever you say, dude! UCSB students are rejects from places like UC Riverside, Irvine, and Davis.
“Yup, and we still go to a school that most of you couldn’t even get accepted to”
Come back and tell us how impressed your employer is with your dual major of Party Science and Volleyball Studies when you get that first job at Burger King or Mickey Dee’s. Even In-N-Out won’t have you, as their standards are way too high…
Hey Brian & Gaucho – So stabbing other people, urinating and vomiting in public, burning down stores, and attacking emergency workers is justified in the name of indulgent self-expression? If you think the answer is “yes,” then you are true-blue, dyed in the wool, honest-to-goodness sociopaths. Not judging, just pointing out a fact you should be aware of.
As a former UCSB resident, I completely agree with this letter. The party spirit will always, and should always remain within Isla Vista. To those of you who want to condemn us for it, I say go ahead, but at the end of the day I have a whole host of awesome memories from my time there that none of you will ever get to have, and all you condemnation will not change that. Oh, and for all of you out there saying UCSB students are a bunch of lazy liberal arts majors, I should remind you we have one… Read more »
“This comment is coming from a gun owning, red meat eating, 4wd truck driving farmer with an Engineering Degree from UCSB.”
You left out self-centered, pathetic, jerk.
Hey Brian – you are a sociopath, like the author. I would encourage you to look in the mirror and see yourself for what you are.
TJ, I went to this school, I have a reason to post on this website. What is yours? I’m guessing you are another Drudge Troll out looking for attention.
Not at all. This is the second time I’ve ever posted a comment to a news article.
I’m simply pointing out that your comments defending a student’s desire to party when it results in the looting and burning of a city reflect a sociopathic personality type.
Other people matter. Other people’s property matters. The ability to feel empathy for the innocent is a core trait of a properly functioning human being.
Your post, like the author’s letter, reflects a frightening lack of empathy and a sociopathic personality type. Read the definition below.
Hey this is not Detroit. The B of A bank burning happened a long long time ago during the anti war protests. No one knows if students, or others with an agenda actually set the dumpster on fire that was wheeled into the bank. But looting, that did not happen. You would see far worse in a major city after a pro sports team wins a championship. But if you were not alive in the 1960s to have seen the protests at pretty much every college campus, you would probably not understand what it was like. I dont care if… Read more »
Definition of Sociopath: a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
It’s not antisocial jack, just plain old social. The burning and looting never starts until the riot squad shows up ready to crack skulls.
Sorry you didn’t get to go to many parties.
Greg, you ever plan on growing up?
Yes, the various posters that comment on the story act like, when they were 18-22, would never have wanted to go to a party with pretty coed and consume alcohol and have a great time. They must either be so old and in a rest home that they forgot what they did when they were 18-22 years old, or they were just old and miserable when they were young. Generally, if you have a party in IV nobody, not the police cares… as long as you dont block the streets. When you get several hundred people blocking the road, in… Read more »
Hey Gaucho – like Brian and the author, you seem to be a sociopath. I drank plenty when I was young. I partied in nearly every place a person could walk or crawl. I never stabbed anyone, burned down stores, or turned over cars. Why? Because at a core, visceral level I don’t enjoy seeing other people suffer. I feel bad when I hurt other people. Like Brian and the author, you are utterly blind to the victims in this sad episode. This reflects a real lack of empathy, a real lack of humanity, and a sociopathic personality type. Can… Read more »
Haha. You stole that “walk or crawl” line from Clint Eastwood.
I’m a SB native and resident. The idiots who do this stuff bring negative attention to an otherwise amazing town. Next year I’m dressing up like Batman and kicking the crap out of a bunch of them. ‘Murica!
Hey Brian, in the unlikely event that you ever actually amount to anything and maybe even have your own business, why don’t you open it up in IV? I suspect that you will be whistling a different tune if your business was to be damaged or destroyed by a bunch of drunk college punks who have no regard or respect for other people’s property. Funny how your perspective on things changes when you actually have to work to earn a living and not rely on mommy and daddy, you insolent, little, putz.
I really appreciate this post. I’ve contacted the HR Manager at my firm and we’ve blacklisted UCSB graduates from hiring consideration at our firm.
And yes, I’d like fries with that.
The most disturbing thing about the letter is the utter lack of any developed conscience. The author is clearly a sociopath, but has no idea. Sad.
They key words to me were ‘Think of what we pay…’
I’m pretty sure for 99% of you, the answer is nothing.
Since Mom & Dad paid for you, they should receive and are entitled to an educated child.
Try doing some math and figure out what the odds of that are.
Hey Brian – you are a sociopath, like the author. I would encourage you to look in the mirror and see yourself for what you are.
I can’t believe the rancor, the judgementalism, or cynicism that is exhibited by BOTH sides here….and that intellectual sharpness apparently has been dulled by vile and ugly insinuations fanned by attitudes of “I know it all”. HOW CAN HONEST REASON BE PROMOTED IN A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY? For all the grades we have made, the awards we earned,plus recognition we seem to lose a sense of balance and tolerance- all because of our own petty ‘ness’. Nothing good EVER came(or comes)from negativity.
Barry, screaming about “honest debate” from the rooftops is overwhelmed by your peers rioting, throwing bricks and bottles.
You and your ilk have “earned” nothing but the disrespect of decent people (who I’m sure you laugh at over beer and pizza) everywhere.
“For all the grades we have made, the awards we earned”
LOL @ inflated BS grades. LOL @ awards “earned” by merely showing up.
Just whine enough and you’ll change reality.. good plan!
Beware Nexus, this site was linked to Drudge. Expect a flood of troll comments.
Actually twatwaffle, the trolls seem to be those defending the idiot who wrote the original post.
You’re a life troll. The world is worse because you are in it.