Last weekend Isla Vista Foot Patrol responded to numerous incidents of burglary and made several alcohol-related citations and arrests.
IVFP Lieutenant Ray Vuillemainroy said the burglary of a residence on Del Playa Drive occurred during the early morning hours of Saturday, when the perpetrator made their way into the residence through an unlocked area.
“The victim reported that an unknown suspect entered their residence through an unlocked side window and stole a laptop and a debit card,” Vuillemainroy said. “The investigation is ongoing.”
Another Del Playa burglary — this time involving a transient — occurred at 7:54 p.m. on Sunday.
“A local transient entered the residence on the 6600 block of Del Playa and stole alcohol and food from the residence,” Vuillemainroy said.
Sheriffs found the suspect passed out in the front yard adjacent to the residence. Upon discovery, the transient was subsequently taken into custody, positively identified and found to be in possession of the stolen goods.
In light of these recent burglaries, Vuillemainroy said students should lock their doors and windows to keep unwanted people out of their house.
Alcohol-related incidents included seven citations for minors in possession of alcohol, seven citations for open containers, one citation for a noise violation and nine arrests for incidents of public intoxication, according to Vuillemainroy.