The UC Board of Regents discussed UCSB’s Long Range Development Plan and a proposal to build the Faculty Office Building at the San Francisco Mission Bay campus yesterday during the first day of the board’s three-day meeting at UCSF.

Today, the Regents will discuss the status of the 2012-13 school year budget and approve the 2013-2014 budget in light of the recent passage of Proposition 30, which solidified Governor Brown’s budget allocation to the UC system and prevented the need for an additional tuition hike this school year. Though the board was originally set to consider Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition levels for the 2013-14 year, this action item has been postponed at Governor Brown’s request.

The board deliberated on projected student population growth at UCSB as the campus is currently working to expand student housing options to meet rising enrollment levels. The campus’s 2010 Long Range Development plan includes a provision of an additional 5,000 student beds to address the enrollment boom.

The Regents also assessed the 2013-14 Budget for State Capital Improvements, which requests $788.5 million in state capital outlay funds to address seismic safety concerns, renovate buildings to accommodate enrollment growth, renew facilities and continue existing infrastructure and equipment projects.

Another item the board discussed was the 2012-22 Capital Financial Plan, an annual update of the UC campuses’ 10-year plans including an overview of the campus-planning context and a table displaying expected campus projects in line for approval. The plan gives the Regents an understanding of the financial strategies being implemented at each campus.

A version of this article appeared on page 1 of November 14th, 2012’s print edition of the Nexus.
