The Isla Vista Foot Patrol responded to an attempted car burglary, a brawl and several alcohol-related crimes during the weekend.
A male suspect attempted to enter parked vehicles at 9:15 p.m. Friday on the 6700 block of Del Playa Drive. According to IVFP Lieutenant Ray Vuillemainroy, officers received notification about the incident from nearby witnesses.
“The reporting party stated a white male adult, approximately 6’1” tall, wearing a crew hat, black jacket and jeans was trying to break into cars,” Vuillemainroy said. “Deputies responded to the area and contacted the suspect. The reporting party signed a citizen’s arrest and the suspect was taken into custody.”
IVFP also responded to a fight on the 6700 block of Del Playa Drive at approximately 11:55 p.m. on Friday. Vuillemainroy said deputies arrived and made five citizens’ arrests for battery.
Officers also handled several alcohol-related crimes throughout the weekend, citing 18 people for minors in possession, 12 for open containers, five for urinating in public and five for noise ordinance violations. IVFP arrested five people for public intoxication.
Vuillemainroy said he hopes the recent crime swell is due to the large number of new students moving into the area for the start of the school year.
“There has been an increase in crime,” Vuillemainroy said. “I think it is just a lot of new people in Isla Vista, a lot of new excitement, and I’m hoping after Halloween it will begin to slow down.”
County authorities have already begun to prepare for the upcoming holiday celebrations, according to Vuillemainroy.
“We’re definitely stepping up our presence for Halloween,” Vuillemainroy said. “We’ll have 150 deputies and officers out on Friday and Saturday night and we’ve also up staffed on Halloween Day. Our response will be similar to years past and we hope for a safe Halloween.”