Amid growing demonstrations against fee hikes across UC campuses, the Board of Regents announced that it will hold its postponed meeting, originally scheduled for last week, via teleconference on Nov. 28.
Although the board was originally slated to assemble at UC San Francisco last Wednesday and Thursday, the meeting was indefinitely delayed due to “rogue elements” the board feared would arise from non-violent student protests. Items slated for discussion include hiring one top administrator and increasing compensation for another 13, changing contribution rates to the UC retirement plan for 2013-2014 and exempting UCSB from acquiring a California Coastal Commission permit before restoring the campus Lagoon.
The regents will convene on four campuses — UC San Francisco-Mission Bay, UCLA, UC Davis and UC Merced — with at least one member phoning in from Florida. While the board altered the previous agenda to shorten the meeting’s length, all action items remain. The public comment session will begin at 9 a.m. and be extended to one hour from its usual 20 minutes.
To voice concerns about the upcoming meeting or reserve a spot during the open comment session, contact the board’s Secretary and Chief of Staff Marsha Kelman at (510) 987-9220 or
—Staff Report