Two weeks ago, on Oct. 12, a man by the name of Scott Evans Dekraai killed eight people in a bloody massacre at the hair salon where his ex-wife worked in Seal Beach, California. Apparently, Dekraai snapped over a child custody dispute with his wife over their 8-year-old son, charging into the salon wearing a bullet-proof vest with guns blazing.
The shooting threw the issue of gun control into the national spotlight once again, with each side taking their predictable positions. Gun-control activists argued that if handguns were banned, this horrible tragedy never would have occurred, while gun-rights activists countered that such a ban would be a violation of federally protected rights and, if other people in the salon had been armed, it is unlikely so much blood would have been shed.
Both sides have legitimate arguments, but one thing is certain: More has to be done to limit tragedies like this from occurring, because deaths due to gun violence in the United States are far too common. While there have been approximately 6,000 American deaths in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there have been 100,000 American deaths from gun violence here in the United States during that same period. That’s twice as many Americans deaths than there were in Vietnam.
Last year, of the 12,996 murders in the U.S., 8,775 were committed with a firearm, and nearly two-thirds of those with a handgun. While it is true that it is ultimately a person pulling the trigger (as gun-rights proponents love to remind us with their “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” catchphrase), a gun is much more lethal than other forms of weaponry.
Imagine two people in a heated argument; what situation do you think is more likely to cause a fatality — if both are armed with knives or with handguns? It cannot be denied that a gun is a much more dangerous weapon compared to others and that potentially increases the chances of someone being killed.
Gun-rights proponents argue that guns are important for protection and deterring crime. They argue that they should have the right to sufficiently defend themselves from anybody that might attempt to cause harm to themselves or their property — a legitimate claim, considering guns are used defensively over and over in the U.S.
But while owning a gun may protect you from being victimized by crime, it ironically also significantly increases the chances that you or someone you love will be killed.
• The New England Journal of Medicine found that having a gun in the home made it nearly three times more likely that someone in the family would be killed.
• A 2007 Social Science & Medicine study found that states with higher levels of household gun ownership had higher rates of firearm homicide and overall homicide.
• A 2001 Accident Analysis & Prevention study found that states with more guns had higher accidental death rates. The mortality rate was seven times higher in the four states with the most guns compared to the four states with the fewest guns.
• A 2004 study in Arizona found that children who use a firearm to commit suicide have fewer identifiable risk factors for suicide, such as expressing suicidal thoughts. Thus, gun suicides appear more impulsive and spontaneous than suicides by other means.
Going back to Seal Beach, is it reasonable then to have expected the victims in the hair salon that day to have carried handguns if they had known of the deadly consequences that owning a gun could pose to both them and their family? Are we all relegated to this fucked-if-you-do, fucked-if-you-don’t choice when it comes to guns? Is our only choice to live in a crazy “wild wild west” world where everyone walks around with pistols on their hips if we want our society to be free from the horrors of Seal Beach, Fort Hood, Tucson and Columbine? The answer has to be “no”; there must be a middle ground that protects both our individual liberties and our collective livelihood.
A good start would be stricter gun regulations when it comes to who can buy and possess firearms, especially handguns. Psychological evaluations should be an absolute no-brainer; all of the perpetrators of recent mass shootings, including Seal Beach, Tucson, Virginia Tech and Fort Hood, suffered from serious emotional or mental problems — the 22-year-old Tucson shooter had even been rejected by the army on psychological grounds.
In order to buy a firearm, you should have to pass a mental examination conducted by a mental health professional, and you should have to repeat that examination every few years for as long as you possess any guns. When you renew your driver’s license, you have to get your vision screened to ensure you don’t pose a risk to society. Why should gun ownership be any different?
Daily Nexus columnist Riley Schenck finds a .44 revolver a whole lot more threatening than 20-40 vision.
So with this logic it could be presumed we could keep drunk drivers off the road with some type of compentency test. Despite the hubris contained in the article it fails to make the point.
A good start would be punishment that fits the crime. If you commit a capital crime with a gun you should be subject to rehabilitation through reincarnation. When the punishment fits criminals will get the message. Check your numbers and see how many of those “murders” were comitted by law abiding citizens.
If you want to know how a silencer reduces the gun sound, this article gives a great explanation.
“In order to cast a vote, you should have to pass a mental examination conducted by a mental health professional”
Does that make sense to you? If it does not, then your version of it will not make sense to the federal courts either. It’s too restrictive to put everyone through that process to allow them to exercise a federally protected right, just as it would be with voting. If you could pass that law, it would be enjoined immediately.
Make my guns illegal all you want. It matters not…in fact, it will just make me buy more.
%*@!& the UN and it’s unconstitutional dreams of our country.
Criminals care not about laws that is what defines them as criminals. Most gun crimes are committed by people who currently can not possess firearms by law, with illegally obtained and often heavily regulated models. Yet, none of the laws they broke hindered them from their deed, they only prevented law abiding victims the capacity to defend themselves. Your argument that it is dangerous to own one is flawed in that more people are accidentally injured by chairs and ladders, perhaps these evil maming elevation devices should be regulated? No just proper safety training at early age is required, whether… Read more »
OK… so if people have a right to bear arms, and people kill people, (not guns)… then how do we keep guns out of the hands of fucked-up people? I mean truly unbalanced wackos. Or is occasional senseless and horrific mayhem an acceptable cost of 2nd Amendment freedom?
How do you keep the occasional senseless drunk off the road.
You might also say this is the problem with living in a free society. All the experts, (Hitler, Stalin, Qaddafi, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il) agree that gun control works.
I am willing to accept that occasional risk to live in a free society.
100,000 people killed in 10 years by gun violence in the US is not an “occasional risk.”
I was born in California…San Bernardino County…raised in Harriman Tennessee. They can carry a gun with them to lunch loaded in Tennessee and I never needed a gun or even worried who had to fill out the form to obtain the gun.I look around town in Loma Linda or any community in California and the only ones I worry abpout are the ones not elected in city governments, etc that miss like on character of Andy of Mayberry miss-used all his bullets, but for one…even before he could use the gun. Communiction and equal opportunity are an ingredient of a… Read more »
Personalities aside, there are 3 types of people in this world sheep, wolves and sheep dogs. Sheep are the average productive members of society that abhor violence of any sort, as it usually befalls their kind. The wolves of the world wish to prey on the sheep. Whether thievery, rape, or it for material, power, or fame…they seek dominance and have a mind to take what they want. Be them gang members, drug lords, politicians, or simply lost souls bent on revenge, makes little difference. When a metal fabricater buys a drill bit he doesn’t want the bit, but… Read more »
NRA guys:
Give it a rest. Nobody reads the Nexus anyway..
* As of 2009, the United States has a population of 307 million people. * Based on production data from firearm manufacturers, there are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians in the United States as of 2010. Of these, about 100 million are handguns. * Roughly 16,272 murders were committed in the United States during 2008. Of these, about 10,886 or 67% were committed with firearms. * Based on survey data from the U.S. Department of Justice, roughly 5,340,000 violent crimes were committed in the United States during 2008.These include simple/aggravated assaults, robberies, sexual assaults, rapes, and murders. Of… Read more »
I thought since you like statistics I’d throw those your way. However, when the founders wrote…. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” Their main goal was for long term safety and security through freedom. * In Federalist Paper 46, James Madison addressed the concern that a standing federal army might conduct a coup to take over the nation. He argued that this was implausible because, based on the country’s population at the time, a federal standing army couldn’t field… Read more »