Associated Student Finance Board reported allocating $31,315 to 12 student organizations at last night’s meeting, leaving $62,481.24 in the unallocated budget.
The board voted to fully fund Cotillion Dance Club, UCSB Russian Club, Muslim Student Association, Wellness Interns and Students for Justice in Palestine, and partially funded Rhythms of Brazil, UCSB Cycling, Healthy Eating and Living Interns, S.T.A.R., Students of Color Conference, Sex and Relationship Interns and Gamma Zeta Alpha.
CalPIRG approached the board seeking to hold a “Vote Float” parade on Nov. 2. Planned as an event to encourage students to find their polling place and cast their vote on election day, CalPIRG asked for enough money to finance up to 30 organizations with $100 to build a float for the event.
CalPIRG Chapter Chair Daniel Herb, a fourth-year political science and economics double major, said the parade would aid voter registration and avoid partisan conflict because the floats are required to be nonpartisan.
“The second part after getting students to register is to get them to the polls and actually get them to vote,” Herb said. “I want to give $100 to each group to create a float for the parade. The groups, in order to get money, have to show up to the event, with a visible prop showing their organization and their organization in voting. Then they get reimbursed. As you can tell it’s a bit subjective.”
The board discussed the event’s ability to remain nonpartisan, either through speech or floats — concerned that participants would disobey the stipulation of creating floats unaffiliated with a party.
“After exhausting him with questions, I feel like there is no control of speech and also there is no reprimand if they voice their opinion,” board member Yeni Nguyen said. “Once they say something then the damage has been done and as A.S. our job is to create a comfortable environment for all students.”
Board member James Hawkins was also unsure about giving the money to CalPIRG with the freedom to further distribute among student organization at their discretion.
“I feel a bit uncomfortable out-sourcing to another group,” Hawkins said. “This is why we are here.”
After discussion, the board voted not to fund CalPIRG’s event.
Organizers of the Students of Color Conference also appeared before the board with a request to fund their soiree. A weekend-long on-campus event, the conference focuses on issues or pertinence for students of color and allies.
Finance Committee on Committees Chair Joel Mandujano, a third-year black studies and feminist studies double major, supported the event, lauding it as an educational tool for students across the state to understand race, gender, class, sexuality and citizenship intersect.
“Instances of hate happen at all campuses and usually go unreported,” Mandujano said. “It’s important to create a safe space and conference to build community — it’s about education and creating a community of color but also creating allies in this community.”
The board debated the large event, hesitating over a budget they declared unclear.
“I would like to see a more in-depth breakdown for an event this costly,” board member Chloe Stryker, third-year political science major, said.
After deliberation, however, board member Edward Muna re-opened discussion on funding the event. The board eventually voted to fund the conference’s entire entertainment line-up costs of $14,500.