The new Healthcare Reform Act passed in March 2010 could ease the woes of graduating seniors and people under the age of 18. On Sept. 23rd, the reform will allow all financially independent individuals to stay on their parent’s health care plans up to the age of 26. Other provisions of the bill that will be implemented tomorrow disallow insurance providers from discriminating against minors with pre-existing conditions.
On Thursday, UCSB CALPIRG held a press conference in the Arbor with the Director of Student Health, Mary Ferris, and Lois Capps’ office, Santa Barbara’s Congressional Representative, to explain to students the importance of the implementation of this new law.
The main reason this is so valuable to students is that not all jobs available after graduation offer health insurance coverage. This is often a concern for graduating seniors who will be entering the job market. The provision also encompasses students who might want to take a break from school before continuing on to pursue a graduate degree and will need health care during this interim period.
In a report that CALPIRG has released, it is estimated that 196,000 young Californians will be newly covered because of this new law. This news should come to the relief of many students who will be facing debt after graduation. With this burdening economy, graduating seniors can rest their wallets easy and maintain focus on pursuing their careers without a looming worry of expensive health care costs.
In the upcoming years, students will be able to look forward to the rest of the Healthcare Reform implementation and how it may change their health care scenarios for the better.