I wanted to write for the Daily Nexus not only because I like to write (interested in writing for us? Hit us up at sports@dailynexus.com), but also because puberty wasn’t as good to me as I hoped it would be and I was forced to give up my college basketball dreams in the eleventh grade. Many of you are on the same page as I am. Many of you aren’t. Many of you don’t care too much about sports in general, and that’s cool too.
Still, life isn’t that bad. I now play basketball on a 12-foot hoop. It’s attached to the railing outside the door of my second-story apartment on the ocean that I share with five of my best friends. There’s no backboard and the hoop itself was once a trashcan attached to the railing by a shoelace. Now I don’t have a trashcan in my bathroom, which sucks, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Some kids come into this place and get frustrated by the lack of sports culture. I was one of them. But the collegiate sports culture is here if you want it. Don’t let people tell you it isn’t. You’ve just got to be proactive about it, paint your faces with your other freshman friends, fill your water bottles with Popov or whatever and go.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
– Ravi, Sports Ed.