“Gaucho Days” kicks off today with a variety of events in honor of the 2010 graduating class.
This week’s activities, organized by the Alumni Association, include speed networking, a senior breakfast, workshops and a grad fair. The weeklong celebration of this year’s senior class aims to provide students with a variety of events commemorating their successes at UCSB, as well as prepare them for life after graduation. The week culminates with the fourth annual All Gaucho Reunion, held Friday through Sunday.
Today at noon, Gauchos are invited to stop by the Mosher Alumni House for free ice cream and a musical performance by reggae band Natural Incense. Tuesday’s speed networking event offers students who pre-register five-minute windows to network with fellow students and alumni and refine their social business skills.
On Wednesday at the Mosher Alumni House, 2010 graduates are invited to a senior breakfast of
pancakes, coffee and other snacks from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. From noon to 5 p.m., the Career Center will provide Senior Day workshops to assist students unsure of their post-graduation options. The workshops will feature discussions on managing money, taking a year off and job search strategies.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the Grad Fair in the UCen Lobby from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m aims to assist students in graduation day preparations. The UCSB Bookstore, Balfour Class Rings, CB Announcements, Chappell Studios, Career Services, Framing Success, La Cumbre Yearbook and the Office of Student Life will all be attending the event.
The All Gaucho Reunion begins on April 23, which university officials have deemed Gaucho Friday. All students are encouraged to wear blue and gold clothing with the university’s name throughout the day. Additionally on Friday, the Bookstore will be offering a 20 percent discount on adult logoed UCSB gear.
The All Gaucho Reunion’s line-up of events includes various class, department and team reunions, as well as tours, games and panels.