The Associated Students Finance Board doled out $41,154 to 16 student organizations at last night’s four-and-a-half hour meeting.

The board fully funded Residence Halls Association, Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc., American Students for Israel, Alpha Chi Omega, Women’s Ensemble Theatre Troupe, Tap That, Black Student Union and American Red Cross at UCSB. Furthermore, the board partially funded requests from Native American Indigenous Languages Study Group, Lambda Phi Epsilon, Pilipino Cultural Night, Indus, External Vice President for Statewide Affairs Office and Students Stopping Rape.

Students Stopping Rape received the most funding last night when the board granted them $10,550 for Sexual Assault Awareness Month — a joint effort from SSR and Take Back the Night to educate people about sexual and domestic violence.

Alpha Tau Omega returned to Finance Board last night to address concerns over the allocation of the $16,500 they had previously been granted for their annual All-Sorority Volleyball Tournament. Board members questioned whether ATO’s contract with Twiin Produtions, Inc., which hosts the tournament with the fraternity, stipulated the correct amount of donations to charity.

According to board member Janelle Mungo, ATO’s contract with Twiin stipulates that after the $16,500 the board funded is donated to the Kidney Cancer Association, 75 percent of ticket sales will be given to Twiin.

“The point [of philanthropic events] is to have an event and the proceeds go to charity,” Mungo said. “It is so problematic that there is profit sharing, and this is student fees giving [this company] 75 percent [of the proceeds].”

ATO representatives said the fraternity will give their 25 percent of ticket sale proceeds to the Kidney Cancer Association, in addition to the $16,500 slated for the charity.

According to Associated Students Associate Director for Student Programs Marilyn Dukes, if Twiin Productions, Inc. is to receive more of the proceeds, they should also cover the same amount of risk. However, Dukes said, the $16,500 to put on the event was supplied by the A.S. board and not Twiin Productions, Inc.

Ultimately, the board decided to table ATO for one week with the stipulation that they provide a breakdown of their expenses and settlements from last year.

The EVPSA requested $32,288 last night for a “Womyn of Color Conference” to be held at UCSB April 24 and 25. The money would cover speaker fees and event costs. According to Mungo, who spoke on behalf of the EVPSA office, the aim of the conference is to bring college students from across the state to campus to discuss issues facing women of color.

“WOCC has not been around in the past five years, and we want to bring it back and make it strong,” Mungo said.

After deliberation, the board decided to fund $5,800 of the request.
