The Isla Vista Foot Patrol responded to numerous violent crimes over the weekend, including four assaults and one incidence of domestic abuse.

The first attack occurred Friday night, when deputies found a disoriented young man on the 6600 block of Del Playa Drive with a severe laceration to his head. The Santa Barbara City College student was taken to the hospital and treated for internal bleeding. Police found no suspects.

A second assault occurred on the 6600 block of Abrego Road, when a group of young men attacked two UCSB students. The victims were knocked unconscious, and one suffered a broken jaw. The students could not describe their attackers, and police have found no suspects.

Another incidence of violence happened on the same section of Abrego Road, when a large fight broke out in the middle of the street. All IVFP units responded to the incident, but those involved had dispersed by the time officers arrived.

Deputies also responded to an incidence of domestic violence Saturday between a young couple on the 6500 block of Cordoba Road. A man struck his girlfriend, and was subsequently arrested by the IVFP.

According to Deputy Freddy Padilla, officers also responded to a case of alcohol-induced trespassing.

“It was a UCSB student who was drunk after 13 shots of vodka who refused to leave the premises,” Padilla said.

The trespasser was removed and then arrested.

Officers also dealt with standard weekend crimes, issuing citations to 15 minors in possession of alcohol, 15 people with open containers, and two people for urinating in public.

Deputies arrested six partiers for public intoxication, and issued two citations for possession of marijuana.

No thefts were reported this weekend.
