Editor, Daily Nexus,

In his final days, 3rd District Supervisor Brooks Firestone has once again demonstrated his unwillingness and inability to accurately and passionately represent the true desires and emotions of the Santa Barbara, Goleta and Isla Vista communities as he staunchly argued as one of the go-ahead votes for the Naples development project. Despite the fact that a majority of Santa Barbara residents protest this project, Firestone has long been a supporter of what would constitute a massive, multi-million dollar development overhaul of the coastal land, stripping away public beach access with a plan that currently has been found to not fully fulfill the Environmental Impact Report’s requirements for mitigation.

Yet, this is a step that can be righted. While the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors has clearly disregarded the wishes of the community and has failed to protect some of the most treasured lands of this wonderful beach town, the project still must come before the California Coastal Commission, an event that should take place next school term. Electing Doreen Farr as the next 3rd District supervisor would allow us a strong leader who would fight to preserve the Naples area by acting as a true public servant. As a long time devoted resident, Doreen recognizes not only the beauty of the coastal land but also the irreplaceable ecosystems that provide habitats for many of the wonderful plant and animal species that make Santa Barbara special.

Electing a person who will fight for the community and stand strong on pertinent issues is the only choice. With her experience as a planning commissioner and 25 years in the county, Doreen has the real experience to lead. This Nov. 4, please vote Doreen Farr for supervisor. In doing so, you will also vote for a fighter and a friend.
