All four of the campuswide and Associated Students reaffirmations passed, following the announcement of the results for the UCSB/MTD Superticket Bus Program and the University Children’s Center student fees yesterday.
The MTD quarterly $9.38 per student fee was reaffirmed with 61.7 percent of the vote and the UCC quarterly $3 per student fee was reaffirmed with 75.01 percent of the vote.
Results for the final two fees of the Spring Election were not available until yesterday, because the graduate student voter turnout did not reach the required threshold of 20 percent during the regular election period from April 21-24. The graduate students continued voting through Friday.
MTD Assistant General Manager Jerry Estrada said the students who voted for the fee were helping the environment through their support of public transportation.
“MTD is pleased to hear of the overwhelming decision to continue the Student Bus Pass Program,” Estrada said. “For the cost of less than three gallons of gas each, UCSB students are doing their part for the environment, while receiving access to public transit throughout the South Coast.”
UCC Director Leslie Voss said the center was grateful to the study body for passing the fee and providing support for UCSB families.
“We are incredibly appreciative that the students continue to support one another and the youngest people on campus and allowing us to continue to provide highest quality of services,” Voss said.