In a brief meeting yesterday, Associated Students Legislative Council discussed possible parking fee increases and the upcoming Halloween weekend.
A.S. Executive Director Marisela Marquez introduced the Transportation & Parking Services’ request to increase the on-campus parking lock-in fee to cover debt payments on parking structures as well as projected operating expenses. The proposal was denied by last year’s council, and as a result, it never appeared on the spring elections ballot.
“[I wanted to] bring to you a conversation about increasing the lock-in fee for parking,” Marquez said. “This will be coming forth for the next few weeks and probably for all of eternity on this campus.”
TPS currently receives a quarterly $3.33-per-student lock-in fee, which was passed in 2003 to pay for night and weekend parking permits.
A.S. President Stephanie Brower also discussed the parking situation on campus, sharing her plan for a parking permit rate based on proximity. The proposal will appear on the next Ratepayers’ Board meeting agenda on Nov. 6.
“I’ve been working for a year and a half on creating a tiered rate structure [based on location],” Brower said. “I feel that’s the equitable way to change the rates.”
The council also discussed the upcoming Halloween weekend. Several A.S. committees have put together safety information on doorknob hangers and water bottles to pass out to students.
“Please be safe this weekend,” Rep-at-large Gloria Schindler said.
Representatives and staff members also said they were pleased with Tuesday’s A.S. funded event – the controversial film “Obsession” played for Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week – due to the counter-protest held by students following the 7 p.m. screening in Corwin Pavilion. Associate Dean of Students Carolyn Buford said the event went smoothly.
“I was very impressed with the way students handled this controversy last night,” Buford said. “There were intelligently phrased questions and the discussion afterwards was incredible. It was really quite impressive the way it was organized and responded to.”
Off-Campus Rep. Husayn Hasan reiterated Buford’s statement and said it was important for A.S. to fund free speech events on campus.
“I’m pleased with the counter-event that happened last night,” Hasan said. “Half the people in the movie last night were wearing the green shirts [to protest IFAW]. Without this free speech… we wouldn’t be able to do this. We’d only have had one side.”
At next week’s meeting, A.S. will hear its annual external audit report.