Locals are invited to join the retired community of Friendship Manor on Friday nights to watch free screenings of politically focused movies.
As part of its program, “Timely Films at Friendship Manor,” the assisted living facility will show a film each Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Jamison Hall, at 6647 El Colegio Rd. Local resident and World War II veteran Arthur Schwartz sponsors the weekly events.
Don Coray, a residential volunteer at Friendship Manor, said the program’s intent is to provide educational information on the various political opinions toward U.S. domestic and international policy. Past films have included movies such as “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bush’s Brain.”
“The films are mostly political in nature,” Coray said. “They represent the position of independent critics evaluating the political situation in America, as well as American foreign policy and international policy.”
Coray said many of the featured films are critical of the current and past presidential administrations. He said upcoming shows will feature political figures or critics such Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and Amy Goodman. This Friday they will present a screening of “Mission Accomplished,” a film documenting the experiences of BBC reporter Sean Langan as he visits Iraq.
Schwartz’s goal is to educate the public – especially young people – about current events in the hopes that the program will help create a more peaceful political climate, Coray said.
“Art is a World War II veteran who learned about politics the hard way, under fire in the Pacific,” Coray said. “He has devoted his life in the last few decades to promoting peace and understanding.”
While student and public attendance has been good so far, Schwartz hopes more people will get involved in the program, Coray said.