For over 12 years the Student Action Coalition (SAC) has been making sure that the student voice is heard at all levels of government, from Cheadle Hall to Capitol Hill. SAC’s record speaks for itself. From fighting to stop student free increases to implementing free night and weekend parking, SAC has maintained three core principles: accessibility, diversity and accountability. These principles have guided us through the years and continue to guide us during this election season. You can visit our website for an in-depth look at our rich history and some of our past accomplishments.

This past year Associated Students has been ineffective in having any presence when key decisions affecting students are being made, from important meetings on outreach to simply communicating with A.S. commissions and student organizations. This is why SAC is excited to be putting forth a slate of candidates that represents students from over 25 different organizations. These candidates have experience with campus movements and student government and have organized with student organizations, community members, faculty and staff. These varied experiences make SAC the only progressive political coalition on our campus that is running for office.

As a united group of students from different communities on campus, we are running on the following principles:


-Stop the fee increases by lobbying UC regents as well as state and national legislators.

-Work to increase safety and accessibility for students with disabilities, womyn, people of color, queers, people with low incomes and all UCSB students.

-Work with the Isla Vista Tenants Union and local tenant advocates to protect tenants’ rights and secure affordable housing and decent living conditions for all UCSB students.


-Prioritize and institutionalize student-initiated outreach programs by developing an Outreach Board within Associated Students.

-Establish a Queer, Gender and Sexuality general education requirement to increase the understanding of sexuality and identity through education in order to create a safer, more aware campus climate.


-Hold administrators fiscally accountable to ensure that student monies are being used responsibly and for student issues.

-Prioritize student resources and programming by establishing a Finance Board lock-in.

-Develop UCSB into a sustainable community by creating and supporting environmentally friendly policies.

-Keep administrators and faculty accountable to UC nondiscriminatory policy by creating a comprehensive review for the ROTC program.

Simply put, SAC is a progressive party committed to taking action and attaining access, with more integrity in your student government. We play hard only after we’ve worked hard. Don’t believe what you hear or read about us. To truly see what we are all about, come and talk to us in the Arbor . We’re the ones in the red shirts giving out Red Vines and playing volleyball.

Bill Shiebler is a candidate for A.S. president, Joanna Thomas is a candidate for A.S. internal vice president, Janett Cardiel is a candidate for A.S. external vice president of statewide affairs and Gerardo Zepeda is a candidate for A.S. external vice president for local affairs.
