Dear UCSB students,

As Students’ Party is comprised of students with very diverse backgrounds and political opinions, when we sat down to craft our party platform, we ran into a bit of a problem: Diverse backgrounds lead to diverse views. In order to rectify this situation and present a creative, stimulating and united platform, we have drafted the 2005-06 “Students’ Party Contract with UCSB.”

This contract focuses on goals that can be attained and realized. We believe this contract can lay the groundwork for a more sustainable student government. Each member of Students’ Party holds fast to the vision set forth in this indenture, and each has signified their commitment by endorsing it. We would like all students to read this contract, and if you too agree with our ideals, we urge you to endorse it as well.

Without further ado, we present to you our “Student’s Party Contract with UCSB”:

1) We believe that all students should be granted an audience within Associated Students, and that a student’s political views, background, race or sexual orientation should never disqualify them from either proper representation or the opportunity to serve.

2) We will continue to hold the I.V. Foot Patrol and UCPD accountable for their actions, and we vigorously support the A.S. Student Lobby’s Fall Defensive campaign. We oppose being treated like criminals without cause and seek to improve our relationship and communication with local law enforcement agencies.

3) We will draft a Tenants’ Bill of Rights that will inform tenants of what is legal, how to deal with compromising situations and how to get connected with legal assistance if the need should arise.

4) We remain opposed to the implementation of the Isla Vista Residential Parking Permit Program in its current form.

5) We find that the University’s Parental Notification system is a violation of our freedom and rights, and we will continue to seek its immediate repeal.

6) We will continue to fight to preserve open space in Isla Vista and on the UCSB campus. We support the county acquisition of Claire’s Park.

7) We believe that higher education should be accessible to all students and that tuition should not continue to rise; we will continue to lobby both the UC Regents and our elected officials to ensure that higher education becomes a priority of our state and nation.

8) We vehemently oppose the UC Office of the President’s excess fee unit policy proposal, a plan which would force students who take more than 198 units – 180 are required to graduate – to pay double their tuition and lose their eligibility for financial aid.

9) We will continue to work to combat rising textbook prices by organizing student opposition on local and national levels, and we will continue to seek cheaper alternatives to the UCen Bookstore.

10) We advocate active student representation in the Academic Senate so we can contribute to the policy discussions that affect us as students.

11) We support the development of the Isla Vista Community Center.

12) We propose the creation of an Environmental and Social Responsibility Fund, which will defray the costs of purchasing environmentally sound products in order to encourage sustainable and socially responsible purchasing.

13) We are dedicated to improving the communication between students and student government by revamping our Media Relations Committee and continuing successful “town hall programs.”

14) We will continue to promote fiscal transparency by publishing all A.S. fiscal reports on our website.

15) We propose the creation of an Environmental Affairs Organizing Director position to facilitate the collaboration between all environmental advocacy groups on our campus.

16) We promote the expansion of any A.S. service that will benefit the student body at little additional administrative cost, such as the newly created digital Ride Board to help students easily carpool to and from Santa Barbara. This new service can be found on our A.S. website.

Signed and Submitted,
