Students opposed to the Isla Vista parking permit plan can find out what they can do about it this afternoon.
Associated Students Environmental Affairs Board will host a meeting at 5 p.m. in the A.S. conference room, on the second floor of the A.S. building, to discuss possible alternatives and additions to the parking plan as well as fine points students would like to have addressed by county officials. Scott Bull, co-founder of the I.V. chapter of the Surfrider Foundation and grant manager of the Shoreline Preservation Fund, said the purpose of the meeting is to evaluate the entire plan, not specifically to oppose it.
“We’re going to look at the plan, both at the things we do like and the things we don’t like,” Bull said.
Under the parking plan, I.V. residents would be required to pay $195 for an annual permit to park on the street. There would be designated beach parking as well as metered parking along Pardall Road and the Embarcadero loop. Despite these changes, which may be implemented as early as next fall, Bull said student attendance at the past two meetings has been disappointing.
“Not a lot of people have shown up, which is sad because not a lot of people know about this,” Bull said. “Most people are just pissed off and automatically want to oppose it.”
Some suggestions offered at Thursday’s meeting included free remote parking with shuttle service, lower prices, monthly permits and better methods of alternative transportation.