By the end of its first meeting of the quarter Monday, the Associated Students Finance Board had voted to spend $10,553 – more than a third of its spring budget.
Representatives from 10 different campus organizations came before the board to request funding for a variety of events, ranging from cultural shows to a computer gaming tournament. The finance board approved at least a portion of each group’s funding request and several were granted the full amount they had asked for. Once the grants are approved at the A.S. Legislative Council meeting tomorrow, the finance board will have $20,806 left for the remainder of the quarter.
“In general, spring is a busy quarter for a lot of organizations,” Finance Board Chair Fernando Ramirez said. “Our budget for the quarter is higher to reflect that.”
Ramirez also said he was not surprised by the number of organizations that attended the meeting, since A.S. policy dictates that funding for an event can only be requested during the quarter in which the event is to be held.
“There is usually a pretty big rush at the first meeting of the quarter,” Ramirez said. “We were expecting it.”
Events scheduled in Campbell Hall received the most funding at the meeting, as the venue’s size and popularity make it expensive to rent. INDUS, the Indian undergraduate student organization, was awarded $2,950 – the largest single sum given out at the meeting – to help cover the cost of its upcoming culture night, which will be held May 8 in Campbell Hall and will feature musical performances and traditional dances.
The board granted $2,150 to help fund the 13th annual Pilipino Cultural Night, which will be held in Campbell Hall on May 1. In addition to covering the price of using Campbell Hall, the money provided by the board will go toward advertising, lighting and other media equipment for the event, and script and ticket printing.
The board gave the Vietnamese Student Association $621 for its own culture night, which is scheduled for April 17 in the Lotte Lehman Concert Hall. The groups said the money would help cover the cost of offering free admission to the event this year.
Delta Sigma Theta sorority and Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity received close to $1,500 apiece to use for social events they plan to hold in the Hub as alternatives to partying in Isla Vista.
The Computer Gaming Club, which had originally requested $958 to cover the cost of renting Corwin Pavilion and providing security for its largest gaming tournament yet, was only given $558 because it had already received funding from other sources and plans to charge a $15-$20 entry fee for the event.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws at UCSB, the Public Safety Advisory Committee, the Student Action Forum on the Middle East and the A.S. Committee on Committees also received funds.
A.S. Internal Vice President Denise Aceves said she was somewhat concerned by the amount of money the board has spent this early in the quarter, and that organizations that require funding this quarter should submit their requests quickly.
“It’s first come, first serve,” Aceves said. “Any groups out there that need money should contact us as soon as possible.”