I am a Muslim student at UCSB. I recently read some parts of Joey Tartakovsky’s articles in the Daily Nexus. It really offended me the way he was describing some stories about Muslims worldwide. I don’t think this is the way to go to have a better understanding and respect between various religions at UCSB or even in the USA as a whole. Please do every effort to stop spreading this kind of hatred.
— Motaz el Saban
As a reader, I have an opinion on Joey Tartakovsky’s Feb. 23 article, “Israeli Struggle Inspires the U.S.” This piece is blatantly biased and written with an unwavering support of the Israeli cause. Mr. Tartakovsky should, according to the First Amendment, be allowed to express his opinion. But as subjective as this statement is, it must be taken as opinion and not fact, and therefore run in the opinions section of the publication.
— Ahmed Kamshoshy
As a Muslim in the community, I was deeply troubled after reading the short-sighted article written by Tartakovsky in the Feb. 23 issue of the Daily Nexus.
— Sadath Nabeela
It is my belief that the article written by Joey Tartakovsky is causing animosity toward Muslims on the university campus. As a student at the university, I am guaranteed to practice my religion and feel safe while doing it. I feel that Tartakovsky’s articles are causing anti-Muslim sentiment that makes it unsafe for me to practice Islam on campus. He is promoting misconceptions and false notions about Islam and Muslims which needs to be put to an end.
These articles have put the Santa Barbara community Muslims in an outrage, and we will do whatever it takes to put a stop to the defacing of our religion. I thank you for your time, and hopefully this will get resolved in a timely manner.
— Shahid Shaikh
I’m a first year Muslim student at UCSB. Every week I read something in your paper giving anti-Muslim sentiments. I came to this school thinking it would be a hate-free zone, but these articles are spreading a lot of anti-Muslim sentiment throughout our campus. I fear for my Muslim sister who wears a hijab (head covering) being discriminated against because of ideas being spread in the newspaper. I understand that there is an issue of free speech, but this kind of speech is causing hate among people. This kind of free speech hurts another freedom: the freedom to practice religion. I can honestly say it’s hard to practice my religion when students at UCSB read, “Muslims are now clashing in a dozen places with nearly every religious group – Catholics in Nigeria … Confucians in Xinjiang, China … Hindus in India and Bangladesh – with far bloodier results.”
Action needs to be done to stop this kind of hatred in our newspaper.
— Abid Aziz
Enough is enough,
I’m sick and tired of Joey Tartakovsky’s anti-Muslim bias. What gives the Daily Nexus the right to give this troglodyte a platform to promote his slander against Muslims? Why aren’t Muslims allowed the same access to influence the minds of our fellow students? It’s totally pathetic that UCSB’s campus newspaper is so blatantly pro-Israel and anti-Islam. I’ve put up with pro-Israeli political adds in our Daily Nexus for almost two years, but enough is enough. Muslims are a peaceful community at UCSB. We constantly have to put up with this crap from the Daily Nexus.
You should just change the name of your newspaper to the Daily Fox News Nexus. You guys are pathetic.
— Wasim Mohiuddin