“Seventeen-year-old girls in I.V. I’m very tempted to call the cops and get them in trouble for underage drinking.”
– Gaby Casteneda
senior, art studio

“My only problem is figuring out how to get to SOhO tonight.”
– Amanda Hendrickson
senior, anthropology

“I’m very concerned about Braille buttons on drive-up ATMs.”
– Sheryl Kline
junior, anthropology

“Too much Latin homework and not enough sunlight. I could never live in Alaska in the winter. I’d kill myself.”
– Nicole Genuflessa Lico
senior, classics

“My problem is that I’m not creative enough to think of a problem.”
– Jamie White
senior, anthropology

Got a problem? Think you can talk about it in three sentences or less? Make your bitching everybody’s business by sending it to . Please include your name, phone number, class and major.
