The Project Area Committee (PAC) met yesterday to discuss the master plan for the redevelopment of Isla Vista. A major issue on the agenda was whether to ban alcohol in Pelican Park.
Mike Foley, representative of the I.V. Teen Center and a member of both the PAC and the Alcohol, Drugs and Mental Health (ADMH) committee, said any resolution would be premature. The PAC agreed alcohol should not be allowed in public parks without a permit due to the ban of alcohol on public streets.
“A big discussion needs to take place,” Foley said. “It’s just silly [to allow alcohol in the parks].”
The parking portion of the I.V. redevelopment was also on the agenda.
Lou Ventura, representative of business on the PAC, said, “Isla Vista has the worst parking in the county.”
A system of parking permits and meters has been proposed as a solution to this problem. The beginning of the parking system, which is planned to occur a year from now, has been pushed back for 16 months.
The PAC also debated whether it should send a representative to the city of Goleta to confer with them about a proposed parking structure in Goleta. Ventura said that not extending a representative to Goleta would anger the city.
Jeff Marek said the city council of Goleta “doesn’t really like Isla Vista.”
Bryan Brown, PAC representative from the Santa Barbara Student Housing Co-op, said it should be Goleta that comes to PAC, not the other way around.
Jamie Goldstein, project manager of I.V. Redevelopment Agency, said Goleta had delayed coming to a scheduled meeting “three or four times.”
Foley was elected vice chair of the PAC during the meeting. Marek was appointed to the design committee for the parking permits. Only Chandler Briggs, the Associated Students’ representative, voted against him.