The Isla Vista Recreation and Park District (IVRPD) is inviting Isla Vista residents to enjoy a free evening of music, games and cinema under the stars tonight in Anisq’ Oyo’ Park.

Tonight’s showing of “Shrek” will start the third season of the Movies Under the Stars film series, hosted by the IVRPD. Other sponsors of the event include the UCSB Office of Student Life, the I.V. Tenants Union, I.V. Community Relations Committee and several local businesses.

“We are trying to target a wide-ranging age group,” said Miriam Maya, IVRPD outdoor movies coordinator. “[The film series] is a way of bridging the various age groups in the community together.”

Tonight’s activities will begin around 7:15 p.m. with DJ Robert “Bud” Gutierrez performing live music in an effort to “attract a crowd to come to the park and enjoy the free community event,” Maya said.

Prior to the show, a Shrek trivia contest will take place, with prizes including free movie rentals at Emerald Video and Primetime Video, gift certificates to The Cantina, Blenders in the Grass, Woodstock’s Pizza and Domino’s Pizza. The movie will begin shortly after sundown at 8 p.m.

Coolers of snacks and non-alcoholic drinks are allowed at the event, and Anna’s Bakery will be donating pastries, which will be given out on a first come, first served basis. Domino’s Pizza has agreed to deliver orders to moviegoers in the park. No alcohol will be allowed in the park or served at the movie.

This summer, the IVRPD plans to show five films, including “The Princess Bride,” “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” and “Grease.” The IVRPD has not announced the fifth film yet, which will be a Spanish film.

“By showing five [films] this year, we have the opportunity of providing an additional night of free, fun cinema entertainment that promotes community building for children, family and students,” Maya said.

For more information on upcoming shows, visit the IVRPD website at
