Christmas lights are going up, Channukah is already halfway over and nightmares about finals have begun. So, Artsweek has taken a well-deserved study break to reflect back on the best and worst of arts and entertainment in 2002.
Using a precise polling system involving extensive sociological analysis, a number of Cray supercomputers interfacing in a parallel matrix and a reading of DJ Fatkid’s entrails, we determined who had a significant aesthetic impact over the past year. In other words, here’s our excuse to bitch about what we don’t like and lavish adoration on what we do.
So here are our impressions of the last 365 days: CDs that we’ll pass down to our children and ones that we’re selling back tomorrow, cinematic events that were a feast for the eyes and ones that made our eyes want to barf, trends that we’ll reminisce fondly about and ones that make us ashamed to be young and marketable. Enjoy! And remember, though you are welcome to disagree with our selections, we are right.