Peering out the window toward State Street last week, I could not help but be fascinated by the yuppies clad in oversized T-shirts depicting our president as the devil, jumbling together in their uninspired attempt at an anti-war march. The pack crept down the street trying to convince onlookers that a truth was being uncovered. Drawing stares from some and disapproving glares from others, the muddled parade delivered mixed results as to what the march was truly representing. Emitting from the mumbling chants and waving posters seemed to be a sort of anti-George W. campaign.
The people involved in this march had their hearts in the right place concerning the escalating situation with Iraq, but took the wrong direction in the approach to the protest.
It is clear that war is not the solution to these protesters, but the focus has been lost in the haze of opposing all things administrative. Instead of informing the public on how a war with Iraq could potentially cause more trouble in the Middle East and result in an incredible loss of life, many protesters choose to attack Bush. Nothing productive results from provoking the president. Stirring opposition toward the government cannot reach the outcome of ending the possibility of war with Iraq.
On- and off-campus people who oppose war go about voicing their pacifist beliefs in an inefficient way.
Though many demonstrations take place almost daily, most people choose to complain to each other about the current turmoil instead of publicizing the growing resistance. Rising gas prices seems to be the major issue in many conversations instead of the matter of when to deal with the Iraqi situation.
Our generation has been spoiled with a couple decades of peace. As ironic as this may sound, it is the major factor in shaping our opinions about the war. The present conflict may be the first full scale publicized war most of the young population will experience, which accounts for many quick conclusions of the what is right and wrong about the situation. The young public is adamant in its immediately formed opinion that “war is bad in all cases,” because no major military conflicts have directly involved America during their lifetime.
The lack of experience leads many young would-be activists against war to look like fools waving signs. Protesters should think again about conveying the message that obtaining a new leader is the ultimate solution.
Replacing a leader could never eradicate the conflict.
The rallies against the Vietnam War concerned the loss of life, the unfairness of the draft and the brutal unnecessary nature of the battles. Demonstrators of the past knew the goal as well as the reason for their actions.
Local activists seem to be protesting for the sake of protesting. If true feeling and determination were involved with the protest, the nation might wake up and rethink the current relations with Iraq and the Middle East. Until then, the rants about “Bush the executor” will continue to permeate the protesters’ actions and cause the activists to lose merit with the government. Many protesters know how to fight for their opinion, but their image will be flawed by the few who choose to start a political name-calling match.
Finally there is something to scream about, but protesters want to whisper about Bush being on a power trip. Change will not be the outcome of a million people marching against our political leaders. Change will happen once the government sees an America full of citizens unsatisfied with the current war decisions. Change will happen when Americans unite in protesting war itself and not the chief warrior.
Adam Brown is a sophomore English major.