Expensive turds to the Chancellor’s Special Advisory Committee on Parking for wanting to instate weekend and night parking fees as well as raising the cost of day parking.
Golden tulips to Carlos Palencia. The NCAA may have snubbed you, but you’re still a star to us.
Discolored turds to the colorblind morons who picked Manzanita’s exterior color scheme. UCSB is trying to move away from the 70s aesthetic but you won’t let us.
Vocal tulips to Men Against Rape. These dedicated men dealt sexual violence a swift blow with their highly visible rallies.
Watery turds to A.S. Program Board for its shitty Extravaganza advertising. You can’t expect a good crowd if people don’t know about your event.
Hard-hitting tulips to Marisa Lagos and Drew Atkins for their in-depth coverage of the Attias trial.
An impressionist turd to Art Studio 4D students. You tried desperately to entertain us with your art displays, too bad they all suck.
Heaps and heaps of free tulips to SAC. You’re gonna need all the handouts you can get next year.
Flaming tulips to Martin Doyle for ending his A.S. run in a blaze of glory. We’d expect nothing less than a crazed rant from you.
Bloody painful turds to Martin Doyle for being such a hemorrhoid. May your feces be as red as the communists you so dearly hate.
Green shriveled tulips to Yoda. Surprised us in “Episode II” you did. Even more dark Jedi ass in “Episode III” may you kick.
A sweet tulip in a gassy turd to spring. You’re finally here and the sunshine is well received. Just stop it with the wind already.