I.V. Rampage; Bank Destroyed by Fire
February 26, 1970
Isla Vista residents were clubbed, tear-gassed, and arrested and the Bank of America building then on Embarcadero Del Norte was completely destroyed by flames, following another night of rioting on Feb. 24, 1970, during which a police car was overturned and ignited. As a result the National Guard was called into I.V.
The evening before the burning, students gathered at Perfect Park and began to riot after a former UCSB student was arrested and beaten by police. I.V. residents vandalized stores in the area and after numerous cans of tear gas were released on the crowd of about 1,500, the bank was ignited at about midnight.
By 3:00 a.m. 200-300 police officers had been deployed in the area, including many deputies wearing full riot gear. During the course of the riots throughout the night, a police car hit and seriously injured a pedestrian and police accidentally shot another resident in the arm.
On Feb. 26, then-governor Ronald Reagan declared Isla Vista an “extreme state of emergency” and called for the National Guard to assist local law enforcement officers. By Feb. 27, about 500 policemen and National Guardsmen were occupying I.V. to enforce a 5:30 p.m. curfew.
Reagan at home on Santa Barbara Ranch
February 23, 1981
Former President Ronald Reagan designated his Santa Barbara County Ranch as his official private residence outside Washington, and went there on Feb. 20 for the first time since his inauguration on Jan. 20.
Upon his arrival at Point Mugu Naval Air Station, he addressed a predominantly military audience when he said “We think it’s time to get America on the move again in the world.”
After his remarks, Reagan and his wife, Nancy, boarded a Marine Corps helicopter which took them to their ranch, northwest of Santa Barbara.
When asked if he would be relaxing much on his four-day stay at his Rancho Del Cielo on Refugio Road, Reagan said, “I have a hunch that they will greet me with the same amount of reading material that they do in Washington … but I also think I’ll be able to haul some wood and ride some horses and do that.”
Santa Barbara County Deputy Sheriff Bill Lenvik said that there would be a couple extra patrol units in the area of Reagan’s ranch while he visited, but that the Secret Service would handle most of his protection.
Private Bus Line To Run on Trial Basis for I.V. Students
February 26, 1965
A fringe-covered, open-sided bus cruised on I.V. streets for a trial basis. The fare was a dime, which students could pay with either tokens or passes.
The operator, Kenneth Van Leer, ran the bus in order to determine the feasibility of running a privately owned bus line from the campus to I.V., which would probably run four buses making pickups at 10-minute intervals. If Van Leer decided this could be a profitable venture, the buses would be completely enclosed and four feet longer than the trial bus.
A.S. was already running a bus service that was free to students, but only ran during rush times in the morning and evening. A.S. Business Manager Robert Lorden said that the tremendous increase of new students was necessitating more alternative transportation methods, including the addition of two A.S.-run buses the following Fall Quarter, since the existing buses were usually filled to capacity, Lorden said.
County Decides Open Container Law to Stay
February 21, 1990
Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to extend a countywide open container ordinance prohibiting the public consumption of alcoholic beverages another two years, instead of expiring March 1.
The ordinance made drinking in all public spaces except parks, bluffs and beaches a misdemeanor and was reaffirmed without opposition, with several supervisors expressing a desire to write the measure into permanent law.
Law enforcement officials were happy about the approval and said it was an effective way to get crowds more under control and promote alcohol-related responsibility. A.S. Leg Council also endorsed the approval.
Originally effective in 1987, the ordinance was intended for exclusive use in I.V., but was later expanded to include all of the unincorporated areas of Santa Barbara County when Isla Vista residents claimed discrimination.
Junior and Del Playa resident Dan Spillane stated his opposition to the ordinance.
“I don’t think it’s fair for a person who’s 21 to get busted for having a beer,” he said.
Spillane was recently cited for breaking the ordinance.
-Compiled by Diana Ray